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His forest green eyes that drew me in like a bee being drawn to its favorite flower. His white blonde hair that screamed to let my fingers run through it. And his rosy full lips that begged to be caressed and covered by mine.

And all I could do was stare at his face with horror as I felt pure fear for the heavenly looking being in front of me. My body trembled beyond control as I tried really hard to remain standing without falling to the ground. As I continued to look in to his green eyes, I felt as if I really was in a forest. A dangerous forest where I was a little prey that got caught by its predator.

His long fingers tightened around my neck as he leaned a bit closer to me, hardening his expression even more. I couldn't help but think that such an emotion doesn't belong on a face as divine as his. And at that moment, he pushed me hard to the wall behind me without a warning. A silent scream escaped from my lips as my long hair fell on my face, half covering it. I felt thankful for my long hair for hiding all the uncontrollable emotions that ran through my face. But despite everything that he was doing to me, it made me feel sick for liking his touch on me.

"If you mess up my day, I will fucking mess up yours! Either you stay out of my sight, or you'll getting more than just a shove to the wall." His fierce expression hardened as he loosened his hand from my neck, to grab and raise my chin forcefully. He glared into my eyes before he spoke again. "And stop looking at me with those eyes. They are repulsive!"

Tears formed in my eyes which I prayed would be hidden by my fallen hair. Just then, he released his hold on my face and walked away from me. As soon as he disappeared from my sight, my feet wobbled and gave in before I fell onto the ground. The tears I was holding back streamed down my cheeks without control. I cried silently as I hugged my legs and thought about what just happened.

Was that the same person I shared a magical moment with a few minutes ago? Or did I mistake the expression I saw on his face at that moment? Was that how he really was?

I buried my tear-streaked face and tightened my hands around my legs. I remembered how mesmerizing his face looked at the moment we met. He looked at me as if I was the only one in the world that mattered to him. The only one in the world that he wanted to look at. But the magical moment was very short lived as he shook himself from his trance and looked at the ground. He looked as if he was struggling with his thoughts and emotions. Like he was scared of something that made him tremble as he thought of it.

I tilted my head a little as I studied his gorgeous face with curiosity. He looked very handsome. The front part of his almost white hair was messy but looked deliberate. It was long enough to cover most of his forehead and eyebrows but pale skin showed through the messy hairstyle he wore. His lashes were long, covering his beautiful green eyes as he stared at the ground.

After struggling for which seemed like a few seconds, his eyes finally met mine again. But the eyes that I met this time looked cold and emotionless. I didn't understand what brought the change in them but remained enchanted by them.

"You! Follow me." He commanded as he stepped forward and walked towards the exit. A shiver ran through my whole body as my ears took in his deep voice. It was the kind of voice that could drive me insane with just a single word. The kind of voice that I could listen to all day and night without a bore. The vibrations that escaped his voice made me tremble as I blindly followed him like a puppet.

The whole concept of love was new to me. And anything related to that was way beyond my knowledge range. Since I grew up with the beliefs that true love and soulmates existed, I never bothered to date anyone or accept anyone's one sided love. It was partly because of my lack of confidence and shyness, but mostly because of my beliefs. I voluntarily stayed single, just as I waited for the one who could make me feel exceptional.

As I followed the person who made me feel out of the ordinary, I couldn't help but to get curious about him. He was around 6 feet, very tall compared to my 5 feet 4-inch frame. He was also muscular, not the over-the-top kind of muscular, but just the right amount for his lean body. His hair was shaved short near his nape and sides, exposing his pale skin. I shook my head as I got the implausible urge to run my fingers through his hair, down his neck and back.

As I followed him, I looked around me trying to figure out where he was taking me. I have been to the campus more times than I could remember ever since I was a kid, so I knew the campus like the back of my hands. As I looked around, I noticed he was taking me to a secluded place within the campus. It was like a hidden corner right outside of the main campus where no one goes to. Thick grass covered the ground while it hid itself from the campus with the help of the huge trees that grew there. My heart raced as I wondered why he was taking me there. A few different scenarios ran through my head as I attempted really hard not to think about them.

All my hopes and explicit scenarios shattered the moment we reached the hidden corner. He had turned around to face me with a cold expression. A shiver ran through my back as I asked.

"Why are we here?"

And at that moment, without any words or warnings, he took a step towards me and wrapped his long fingers around my neck. A silent scream escaped my mouth as I looked horrified at his fuming eyes.

I never understood the meaning behind his actions until much later. But that day, all I could do was bury my face in my hands and cry for a long time as I prayed the nature around me would conceal and protect me there. The day which would have become the best day of my life, became the worst.

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