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The sunbeams warmed my face as I looked at the clear sky of early May. I raised my hand above my face to shade my face from the sun. My eyes glanced at the wedding band that framed my ring finger as a smile formed on my lips. Memories rushed to my mind as a smile formed on my face.

"Mama! Mama! I made this for you." My sweet little Kaia ran towards me on her little feet. A huge smile played on her face as she reached me and gave me a small bouquet of flowers she made. They were a mix of daisies and lilies knotted together with a white ribbon.

"They are beautiful! I love them. Did you make them by yourself?" I asked her as I took a sniff out of the flowers.

"Ares and Alec helped to pick the fwowers. Papa helped with the ribbon." She said her cheeks blushed a little.

"Well, I love them. Thank you for the flowers. I'm so proud of you." I hugged my little baby before glancing at my husband who was playing with the twins in the field. As if he felt my eyes on him, he turned his head toward me before meeting my eyes with a beautiful smile.

"Oh, by the way, I made this for you my sweet." I said to Kaia before picking up the flower crown I made while watching the kids play. I placed it on her raven hair before fixing the hair around it in a nice way. She looked like an adorable little princess. Her rosy cheeks blushed while her smile reached the green eyes.

"Thank you, mama. Its beau-iful." She said before running to the twins to show it off.

Just then, Athena and Aiden returned from the toilet in the park. He helped Athena to walk to where I was sitting while she held on to her 8-month-old belly with one hand. As they got closer, her boys ran to her to give the flowers they got for her. I saw her eyes fill with love for her twins before showring them with kisses.

Just a while later, Fawn arrived at the park with Phoebe and her son Cain. The seven-year-old was a split image of his dad with the same black hair and black eyes. He joined the twins and Kaia as soon as he arrived while Fawn and Phoebe joined me on the picnic mattress. Kegan too joined us a while later and we enjoyed catching up and laughing around while the kids played in the flower fields.

It has been a long time since I met Fawn since she moved back to Alaska as soon as we graduated. After that, she moved to Paris with Jace when he got a job from one of the biggest fashion companies. Even though she moved back and forth from Paris to Alaska from time to time, she rarely visited us in London. And right now, she came back to London on her vacation just to meet with us all, before she flew back to Alaska for her older brother's wedding with Jace.

"Goddess! I really missed this. Spending time with you guys were one of the best days of my life. I can't believe how much my life changed after I moved here." Fawn exclaimed.

"True. You wouldn't have been able to meet Jace if you didn't move here." Athena said as she moved herself in the folding chair she was sitting in. it was almost time for her to give birth to her baby girl and we all couldn't help but wait for that day.

"Well to be honest, knowing you, I don't think you would have come here if you knew your soulmate was here. You were always so against men when it came to yourself." I said with a chuckle as Kegan nodded beside me.

"Uh-huh.. Now that makes sense." She said silently before getting lost in a small trance which she seemed to get lost in a lot. It was a bit weird but we are all used to it by now.

"So, what about you Phoebe? How's everything going for you?" Kegan changed our focus onto Phoebe with his question. She has been living in the same city as us since she moved here around 7 years ago. But after Cameron passed away from an accident she went through a really hard time as she broke down mentally. We were all there for her, but it felt as if there was no coming back from the way she changed after his death.

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