Chapter Eight

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*Karl's pov*

The next day George and I woke up at 7am. We needed to be at the airport at 9 because are flight leaves at 9:30. I made us breakfast, George put are luggage in the car, and we both took showers. Were out of the house at 8:25. It took like 20 minutes to get to the airport.

*time skip*

We made it to the airport. We sat and waited. 15 minutes before are plane was gonna get called I realized I forgot something.

"I forgot my charger!" I said.

"Dream can get you a new one." George said. I nodded. Are flight got called and we walked to it.

*another time skip*

George and I were bored so we decided to play rock, paper, scissors. We had no reason. Just bored grown adults being childish.

"Let's do who ever wins gets to hug Dream first." George said.

"I wanna lose, I'll get to hug him longer." I said.

"Fair point." George said. We got bored so we just went to take a nap.


George and I finally landed. I can't wait to see dream! I've liked him for so long! George saw him first and ran to him. They went behind the corner. I ran after them. When I turned around the corner I saw something that hurt me.

George and Dream kissing

"What the fuck George!" Sapnap called out. He hugged me. It wasn't a hug to make them jealous it was a comfort hug.

"Sorry that I love him more!" George said.

"It's not the fact you cheating on me! It's the fact that you hurt karl! Your best friend!" Sapnap yelled. His grip on me tighted. I cried.

"I hate him, I never liked him." George said.

"Neither did I!" Dream added. I just broke down.

"Fuck off! I'm telling all the fans!" Sapnap said.

(A/n: i read that in a irish accent when I typed that lmao)

*end of nightmare*

I woke up to being shaked.

"Wake up!" George said.

"Huh, what, where am I?" I asked.

"We're on a plane in Florida, but that doesn't matter, why are you crying?" He said.

"What? I am?" I asked. I wiped my face feeling wetness.

"I texted Dream that we landed." George said. I nodded. We both walked off the plane. Once were inside the airport George texted Dream telling him we exited the plane.

"I'm kinda scared." I said.

"Why?" George asked.

"What if he thinks I'm ugly." I said.

"Karl, he called you perfect the other day." George said. I nodded.

"Your right." I said. I spotted sapnap, then dream. "Look!"

"Oh my gosh!" George said. We planned something on the plane.

I run towards dream and George runs towards sapnap. Once we are a few feet away we swirve and hug the opposite person.

"Ready?" I said. We ran towards them. They had their arms opened. Then boom switch.

"What the heck?" Dream laughed. After a few seconds we switch. These hugs last longer.

(Karl's thougts)

I was so happy in his arms. I smiled at the warmth. I took in his scent, is that weird? The hug felt like it could last forever. Until I heard his angelic voice whisper:

"Karl, Sapnap and George are staring." Dream said. I pulled away. I cleared my throat.

"Haha sorry." I said awkwardly.

"It's fine." Dream said. Dream grabbed my luggage.

"Dream I can do it-." I said. He cut me off by whispering.

"I know but you are my guest pretty boy." Dream said. I blushed. I saw George and Sapnap walking away.

"Don't call me that!" I said. Oh my god I loved it. No one has ever called me pretty boy before.

"Are you sure you want me to stop pretty boy~?" He whispered in my ear. I melted.

"Y-yes!" I said. I punched him in the shoulder and walked away.

"You don't know where I parked!" Dream said. I huffed.

"Hurry up!" I said. He walked up to me. He grabbed my hand and we walked to the car. He pulled his head away once we got there.

"Go to the front seat, I told sapnap it's yours on the way home." Dream said. I listened and went to the other side and got in.

*Time skip*

We arrived at Dreams house. Once we stepped inside George and I fell to the couch. Jetlag hit us hard.

"Sleeping thingy is, George in sapnap rooms cuz y'all are dating(I don't know if i stated that bhahaha), and Karl gets the quest room." Dream said. George and I nodded.

"Where's your room sap, I'm tired." George said. He yawned making me yawn. Sapnap and him walked off.

"Dream..." I said.

"Yeah." He said.

"This might sound weird but...I can't sleep alone...can I share with you?" I asked. Blushing in embarrassment.

"S-sure." Dream said. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

*Wc: 830*

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