🎄Holiday Wish Pt 2🎄

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A/N: Here's PT 2.

And I couldn't think of the perfect holiday song for this part. I found this. And ... sure why not? All credit for the video up above goes to its creator.

I own nada of TW nor the video. All credit goes to their respective holidays.

I hope you enjoy!

A few days had passed since you saw your friends off at the Mirror Chamber. Winter had come and snow was falling. It blanketed the entire grounds; coating the island in powdery white. As the howling winds and the crunching of snow beneath your feet reached your ears, you gazed all around you to admire the shimmering grounds caused by the sun rays beaming down from on high. And yet ...

You were less bright inside and more like ... gloomy.

You missed your friends already. Yes, Ace and Deuce, those two knuckleheads. You had messaged them through Magicam several times but you were lucky enough to get some replies back even if only a few. You believed them to be preoccupied with their own families in celebrating the holiday's festivities.

Even though you passed the time by visiting Octanivelle, Scarabia and even Diasomnia; still having students staying in the dorms during the break as well for their own reasons, after delivering the dry wood to the fire fairies, time to you felt like it was going at a snail's pace. For your occupied mind was filled to the brim with thoughts. Like of your old life. Of your birth family. But also of the family you've slowly come to form through the friends you made since coming to this whole new world. But most of all, you missing Riddle.

Walking to classes with. Eating lunch together. Visiting him at his dorm. Joining in some tea parties. Kissing -

You whimpered as you blinked back tears for the umpteenth time today.

For today was Christmas Eve.

And you were so out of it.

"Hey Y/n? You keep spacing out ... are you feeling sick?" You were brought out of your trance, snapping to attention at the presence of Grim. As you were curled up on the window bench, gazing outside the window, your little creature buddy walked on in the living room only to spot you in the same spot you been in all day. "You've been acting weird since this morning ... well, since we said goodbye to Deuce and Ace and the others."

"I'm just ... not in the festive spirit, Grim, that's all." You curled in on yourself more, not wanting to face it.

"Like when you weren't that up for going back home, either?" You hunched your shoulders a bit from the inquisition. "Or how you looked when we mentioned families that day. That sour look on your face tells me that much," he pointed at your reflection in the window; showcasing said sour look. "You're my henchman. If you're not at the best of spirits, then it will ruin the festive mood; my first holiday ever!" You rolled your eyes to that when he continued, "And ... we're dorm mates, classmates ... friends ... aren't we?"

You felt your heart strings pulled on roughly, painfully, making you wince and bit your lip as you clutched your chest.


You breathed out a tired sigh before turning in your seat, gazing down at the little fuzzball. "It's ... this time of year reminds me of my life ... back in my world. Before I was brought here. My old life ... wasn't a normally pleasant one."

"Hmm ... isn't listening to others troubles and worries what we're used to by now?"

"Hmm, true."

"This isn't any different. So, let the gracious Grim-sama hear your voice, henchman!"

Twisted Hearts (Riddle Rosehearts x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now