He Blush

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A/N: Hey guys.

So, I am VERY surprised from how much response I'm getting for this story.

And I do my best to make it decently good.

EDIT: Editing every part I just post is a pain but necessary.

I own nada of Twisted Wonderland but I do hope you enjoy my hobby that is fanfiction aka this so here we go!

000 He Blush 000

After your lunch break, Crowley easily found you and Grim, thanking you for a job well done before tasking you with another one. And now, you found yourselves cleaning the outside of the back building near the sports field; you sweeping and Grim carefully burning out the weeds.

Grim whined, of course, about the chances of becoming a mage slipping through his paws, while you found yourself watching students in their own themed suits practicing magic from afar. You amazed at the sight of them flying on magic brooms, even if it's just hovering off the ground, it still fascinated you to know this is indeed a magic school.

So, a Disney villains mixed with Harry Potter themed college. Yep, this is quickly becoming the norm of your temporary life here, however long that may be.

You saw the one with long hair, lion ears and a tail cross his arms as he stood on top of his broom before it floated in mid air, making your jaw drop at the carefree look on his face, assured he wouldn't fall. You saw a guy with actual blue flames making up his hair, reminding you of Grim's flaming ears, hanging on to his broom like it was a pull up bar. You then spotted Ace and Deuce, both doing well at showing off on their floating skills.

But what got your attention the most was Riddle, high in the sky, with a cool calm face. You thought he looked good in that red and black suit and could imagine his trademark smirk already, making him look that much cooler.

"Hey! We're done now, aren't we? Can we go now?" Grim's voice woke you up from your trance.

"Huh? Uh, yeah I think we're done here." You dazedly spoke, still watching Riddle.

"Good. The great Grim is exhausted of cleaning!" He mewled as he stretched out like a cat would. "Besides, you keep getting distracted ~" He sang out as he pointed over to where the guys are. You felt your face heat up and looked away as you spun the broom in your hands.

"I can't help it. I ..." You frowned as you leaned against the broom, your eyes glued to the field as Riddle floated back down and was graded by their buff instructor who resembled too closely to a certain meathead. "I don't know."

"Well, Grim is gonna explore!" Grim exclaimed before scurrying off down the path to the field.

"Grim, no!" You chased after him, leading you behind a row of tall trimmed trees and bushes as you caught up to him and bent down next to him as he pushed the leaves back to see the coach announce the end of class. "Come on Grim! No more trouble or it's curtains for us!" You hissed at him.

"Aw! But how else am I gonna keep you on your toes?" He snickered.

"I so did not ask for this." You rolled your eyes at him.

"Eh, but still! If I can't be a student here, then I can at least watch how it's done."

"But we shouldn't even be here. We should be reporting back to the Headmaster that our task is done."

"You were just watching them a moment ago. Like that hearts dorm head. Though, I don't get why you're interested in someone like him. Especially when this is the guy who put that weird collar on me during the entrance exam!"

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