✨A New Year ... ✨

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A/N: I hate my shitty bloody family. I hate my shitty sickness. I hate so many things.

One thing I don't hate?

TW of course. All cause of this boi. The same boi I had a literal fever dream of early this morning!

And yeah, this is WAY past new years but I need more Riddle goodness!

I own nada but I have a feeling you'll still enjoy.

The first day of the new semester was uneventful for you ... at least until you and Grim returned to the Ramshackle dorm.


Red, gold and white themed decorations hung in the lounge. From banners to balloons to even star shaped pillows. And your five closest made friends were there.

"You guys ... " Your voice wavered; eyes swirled with sparkling tears at the surprise.

"Y/n, Happy New Year." The warm embrace of Trey made you smile instantly; him becoming like an older brother to you.

"Finally got to come back here~ Y/n-chan, we're back~!" Cater tackled you in a hug next before taking a selfie with you, hashtagging it properly before uploading it on Magicam. "Hey, what was everyone doing when the year rolled over? Just so you know, I was watching the countdown fireworks~"

"My family was playin' card games. My dad won everything, it sucked so much." Ace sulked in remembrance of it before grinning at the other half of the brain cell. "What about you, Deuce?"

"I was watching TV and my mom was like "this clock is broken, can you fix it for me?"" Deuce explained.

"Clock? An early New Year would be a problem." Riddle said.

"And then, after I dismantled it to figure it out ... the batteries had just been put in with the plus and minus backwards." Deuce shrugged, exasperated at how that all came to be, now smiling at his senpai. "Clover-senpai, were you also with your family during the year change?"

Trey smiled. "Yeah. I was baking bread with my little brother and sister."

"Even on New Year's!?" The one brain cell exclaimed in unison.

"Because they were talking about some delicious sounding bread on TV. We had all the ingredients so we just decided to try making it." He chuckled as he looked back on it.

"Thinking of "making it rather than "buying" sure is a Trey-kun house kinda thing to do." Cater nodded.

"Dorm head Rosehearts, how did you spend the year changeover?" All eyes turned to Riddle as Deuce asked; all of them grinning knowingly. You burned red as you curled up on the couch with Grim in your squeezing hug.

"Eek!" Grim squeaked.

"Me? At midnight, I have already long since gone to bed." He blushed a bit, but spoke with such a straight face.

"Eh, you didn't do the countdown or anything?" Cater was shocked.

Riddle puffed up, glaring. " ... What are those expressions for? There's no rules about how to spend New Year's." He deflated, pouting.

"Haha, that's true." Trey patted his shoulder, supportive.

"Eh? You can stay up late once in a while ... right Prefect?" Ace suggested; a shit eating grin aimed at you.

"Uh ... um ... I guess?" You squeaked yourself, bashfully not able to meet his eyes.

"Ace, don't be so provoking. If Y/n doesn't feel comfortable discussing it, then just drop it." Riddle moved to stand between you and Ace; on the defensive. He was surprised at his own restraint from lashing out fiery.

"Aw, come on, Housewarden. We all know how you two really spent your New Years -!"

"Okay, okay, we get it! Jeez!" You cried out, beet red, clutching a squirming Grim like the plushie he substituted.

"H - Hey! I'm - not - a - p - plush!" He choked out.

"Y - Y/n-san! Grim's turning blue!" Deuce cried out in alarm, hurrying over to pull your arms apart with little effort.

"Oh! I - I'm so sorry Grim!" You apologized, guilt all over your face.

"I wanna start the new year off by not dying, thank you very much!" He growled out, scurrying off your lap. "And by the way, I can testify to this one being all giddy in bed that night!"

"G - Grim!" You wanted to melt into a puddle right there.

"Aw~! No need to feel embarrassed, you two~ Besides, seeing Y/n-san glomping Riddle-kun to the ground our day back was priceless~!" Cater chirped up, a Cheshire grin adorning his face.

"Can we please just change topics, please? Besides, we should be heading back to the dorm. We must make preparations for the first croquet match of the year." Riddle announced; facially flustered still, wanting to clear the stuffy air.

Ace rolled his eyes, giving in. "Alright, fine, be that way." Then he grinned, cheering, "See ya later, Y/n. Let's have fun this year!"

"Then let's get moving, kouhai~!" Cater pushed the brain cell duo out through the open archway; much to their vocal surprised yelps.

"Sorry about our abrupt departure, Y/n." Trey tilted his hat to you, sheepishly smiling.

"Uh, it's cool. Thanks for the party ..." You trailed off as a familiar shadow overtook you; swallowed by rose scented warmth as Riddle embraced you around the waist; his cape blocking your faces from view, as he gave you a gentle kiss. Your surprised mewl quickly morphed into a moan as your arms wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him flush against you, pinning you between him and the couch.

He couldn't do it in front of the others due to their teasing manner earlier, but he trusted Trey enough the most to be comfortable with it; said man turned the other way to keep an eye out in case one of them sneaked back in to take a peak; Ace or Cater for starters.

You sighed blissfully at his tender lips moving in grace with yours for several moments; desiring it to last longer, but he pulled away to breath heatedly against your lips. "I'll see you soon, love."

"Okay, my King." You gave a gentle peck to his cheek as a parting gift, smiling shyly at his awestruck gaze from the title before he gave a small smirk. He pecked your nose, making you giggle from the tingle, before he released you from his embrace, bowing to you before striding off with Trey at his right side; cape flapping in noble grace.

"Our dorm mates are quite the nosy bunch, aren't they?" Trey apologized in his dorm mates stead.

"I swear, they better be thankful I don't collar them both." Riddle grumbled as the Heart squad left for their own dorm, though a small smile surfaced as he looked a bit back to see you and Grim waving them off, looking forward to spend the new school year with you.

A/N: As for more TH content ...

Culinary Crucible ... Ghost Wedding ... Tsum Tsum Riddle x Reader stuff?

Idk where I'm going with this book anymore tbh.

But thank you everyone for your continued love and support for it.

Until next time, later.

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