❣️Tsumsitter Loving❣️

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You witnessed small creatures falling from the magic bright gateway that appeared in the night sky.

At first you thought you were hallucinating.

But the ghosts to Grim to even some select classmates of yours can testify to it being true.

Dubbed as tsums, twins to various others.

In looks and personalities. 

But meeting Riddle's Tsum was your highlight of the day.

"Tsum! Get back here this instant!" Watching the main five Hearts bois chasing the little guy up and down the halls of Heartslabyul.

Guess the tea party would be on hold for a while.

Suddenly you felt a small ball of warmth crawling on you. You jumped in surprise as Tsum Riddle traversed up your hand, then your arm, before resting against the side of your neck to affectionately nuzzle your cheek.

"Huh?" Ace, Deuce, Trey, Cater and Grim chorused.

Your giggle fest was melodious to everyone's ears. Riddle's especially ... if that were the whole case. But he much rather be the cause of your laughter. Not his Tsum doppelganger!

"Tsum! If you get too friendly with Y/n-san, it will be off with your head!"

"Guess you both have the same type of mate, huh Riddle-kun~?" Cater teased; Tsum Cater nodding and winking in agreement.

"Awe come on Riddle! If he is meant to be you, then I gotta show equality in love." You reasoned before scooping the Tsum in your palms; hearts and sparkles adorning your eyes as you gazed at it. "And God he's precious~!"

Riddle felt the Thorns of the amorous rose stab him inside as he exclaimed, "B - Beloved!?" 

"Riddle, don't tell me you're jealous?" Trey tilted his glasses; a smug teasing expression adorning his face.

Riddle scoffed. "To be jealous of a plush? Don't be ridiculous."

The sound of lips smooching echoed out for all to hear. 

And what they saw —

"Did the Tsum just ...?" Ace started, sweat dropping.

"Kiss the Prefect?" Deuce finished, alarmed.

You suddenly felt the embers of scorned love surround you before you felt Riddle tug on your arm; his other hand caging the Tsum in his glove grip.

"Now you've done it." Riddle bristled up.

Tsum Riddle broke free before smacking right into Riddle's face; its small eyes narrowed in defiance. 

"This means WAR!" And in comes Riddle's red face.

"Code Red! We've got a dorm head meltdown!" Deuce cried out.

"Y/n-san, time to deploy!" Ace shouted.

You caged the Tsum in your hands the moment it jumped off of a steaming upset Riddle right before you planted a deep passionate one on the mouth. Startling him to the point where he fell flat on his back on the couch that was luckily behind him.

His arms hugged your waist as he surely started calming down; redness coating just his cheeks, as he hummed in delight.

While the other four guys looked away as literal hearts floated out in tune with the smooches; feeling bashful yet also a bit miffed at not having their own significant other to be intimate with ... yet.

Grim finally cut the tension.

"Now can we go eat?" 

Tsum Riddle broke free from your loosened grasp, following Grim outside to everyone else's exasperation; the Ace Deuce combo in hot pursuit.

"Tsum you is only here temporarily. But you," you straddle a flustered Riddle when your arms wrapped around his neck, resting your forehead against his, staring longingly in his eyes. "You're stuck with me, Rosehearts. Hopefully, for a long long time~"

Trey and Cater exchange knowing looks before following the freshies.

"Besides, you've been busy as of late. I really missed you." You nuzzle his cheek with your own, burying your face in the crook of his neck.

His heart cried out to you as his face buried in the crook of your neck, hugging you closer. "The feeling is mutual."

Tea and treats can wait a bit longer.

For now, basking in each other's embrace would do.

A/N: Guess who spent about $20 after 200 rolls spent getting Tsumsitter Riddle.

Yeah unlucky me.

Anywho, sorry for taking forever to come back.

Also, the Wattpad app is still effed up in editing on mobile and now I can't add in pics. Will edit this later to add those on my laptop.

And thank you all for the love and support after all this time.




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Until next time, bye bye~!

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