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I decided to leave the cafe to walk through the mall. Weaving in and out of makeup stores and boutiques. Not caring or paying any attention to the time, I pass by a lingerie shop, I step in to browse around a bit. This is pretty different for me. I want to feel sexy but I haven't owned any thing like this before. Seeing this black corset pair, I hold it up realizing that I can see right through some parts of it. It's lacy but the straps are silky. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eyes, I see someone familiar.

Was that who I think it is?

He is walking in my direction. I instantly become nervous.

Why is he in here? Isn't he embarrassed to see all of this? Why is he looking at me like that?

"Can I help you?' A sales associate approaches me. I am still holding onto the lingerie, giving her a blank stare. I have no clue what to say or do.

"I think she would like to try it on." Jimin says with a snarky smirk across his face.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, let me show you to the fitting room." The associate says. I follow her with the lingerie in my hands. I can't help but blush and become nervous because Jimin trails closely behind us until he chooses a seat on the couch that is right outside of the fitting room. Nervously, "Umm, I don't know how to say this but I have no clue how to put this on. There is so many strings that I am confused just by looking at it." I shyly muttered. The associate giggles and says "its okay! Everyone has to go through their firsts, let me help you."

Once it's on, I stare at myself in the mirror, completely amazed how well it fit. "Wow" I mouth to myself. I have felt sexy before but nothing like this. I turn around to see what the back looks; it's very revealing. I feel exposed but I feel amazing.

Should I buy it? When will I even used this? Am I going to be comfortable enough to wear this? I really like it.

I change back into my clothes and I walk out of the fitting room holding onto the racy garments. I know that Jimin is waiting outside and I'm trying to figure out how to avoid this conversation. I peak my head out and see that he isn't there anymore. I confidently walk out to buy the set; I then see him at the register paying for something. I wait patiently behind him in line. The cashier hands him the bag and he turns to me. "Here" as he hands me the bag. "I bought it already and a few other things too. You can hand the ones you have in your hand to the nice lady and we can leave." He smirks.

In complete utter shock, I return the outfit and Jimin takes my hand to lead me out of the store. After a feet yards, I stop him and pull my hand back, "I am so confused! Why would you buy it for me?" I question. "I got it for you so you can feel confident! I want you to see yourself how I see you." Jimin answers.

How HE sees me?

I start to blush and become really shy. "Hey, there you go again." Jimin cuts in. "Be confident! You're gorgeous and you shouldn't feel anything less than that" he compliments me even more. My heart is palpating in my chest and my skin feels hot.

"Are you hungry?" He asks. "A little bit" I answer. Grabbing my hand again he makes me tail him until we reach a sports car. He unlocks it before we get to the passenger door. He swings it open for me. I stand there unsure if I want to get in the car.

"We are just gonna get something to eat and I'll take you back to the dorms." he assures me. I step in. His car is clean and smells new. He puts the bag into the trunk and hops in the drivers seat. We come to a stop at a restaurant, "stay here, I'll go in and grab our dinner."

"Ok." I responded and he leaves. I pull out my phone looking at the time. My eyes bulge out, "oh my gosh it's already 6?!" I say to out loud. Soon, I see Jimin rushing back to the car with cup holder with two drinks and a bag of food.

What's with everyone trying to feed me?

He starts the car and exits the parking lot. I watch him as he steers the car to our destination. He has a sharp jawline with eyes that can make a woman like me melt. I have no idea why the quietness of this car is making me so warm. The way he focuses on driving with one hand on the wheel sends sparks to my core.

"I got you a strawberry iced tea, I'm sorry if you don't like it." Jimin says while keeping his eyes on the road. "We can switch if you don't like it, I got a matcha latte."

I decided to drink the one he got for me and it tastes sweet; Perfect to my liking. Pulling up to empty parking lot, I can see the city. My mouth drops open as I become engulfed in the view.

Jimin's POV

The sun has already set; leaving the sky in a dark colored sea. "Do you know why I brought you up here?" I quiz.

"Umm, to have dinner?" She hesitatingly voiced.

She's so beautiful. I want her to know how gorgeous she is.

"Because it's peaceful and beautiful. It kinda reminds me of you." I compliment. "Did you have plans tonight?" Tilting my head a bit.

She shakes her head. "I didn't think I was going to be doing anything since I was so hungover." She explains. I lean back in a little bit of shock, "did you go to the club again?" I continue my interrogation.

She's blushing again...did I make her nervous?

"Umm no, my friends and I went to a huge back to school party and I drank more than my body could handle." she says.

Party? Our party? She came to OUR party?

"Oh, that sounded fun" I nervously say. "How about we start eating?" I begin unpacking the bag. "I hope you like sushi. I figured it be easy since we were on the go." I say to change the subject.

Even the way she eats is beautiful.

"Jimin?" She says

I love the way y/n says my name.

"Mhm?" I look up from my food.

"You're different today..." y/n starts. "Not that it's bad or anything. It's just you're different." She says before she stuffs her mouth with the last sushi roll. 

"What makes you say that?" I retort.

"Not to sound rude or anything..." she looks at me as she sips her drink. "You're being really nice to me." She paused to take another sip. "Usually, you're cocky and self absorbed." She giggles and covers her mouth. "I mean, I'm sure you're a nice guy. It's just...You always showed me a different side the last few times we saw each other"

"I don't have to be nice, sweetheart" I claim before putting the empty containers back in the bag. "I'm nice because I want to be." I sweep my fingers up her chin. "You got that?" My eyes darkening with a smug face growing.

Y/n's cheeks...those cheeks are rosy again

"Oh.." she mumbles while adverting her eyes to her hands.

"Put your seatbelt back on y/n" I protectively announce before starting the car and heading back to campus. "So you obviously don't have a boyfriend because if you did; you wouldn't have come out with me... right?" I peep at her quickly.

"Umm no. I've never dated before." She replied with a softness in her voice as if she's ashamed of that.

"Are you serious!? Not a single person?!" I'm astounded. "You're beautiful! Are you a bitch or something?" I ask rhetorically but it seems that she didn't take it that way; by the way her jaw dropped open. "I'm joking." I say before offending her.

"No, just no one has ever been interested in me." She takes a brief pause. "I never been on a date, had a boyfriend, or..." she stops covering her lips with her hands.

"Had sex?"
A/N: Happy New Year! I have a feeling 2022 is going to be an amazing year.💜

Misunderstood (BTSxY/N Poly ff) 18+Where stories live. Discover now