To Our Beautiful Girl

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Jhope's POV

We make it into the guest room and I look at her. When she says my name, I freeze. Unsure what to say to her but I just want to protect her. I know she likes me but not in the same way she likes the others. "I pulled you in here because if I didn't, Yoongi would. We all know how he is and you definitely pissed him off yesterday and with you walking around our house with nothing under that shirt is only driving us crazier" I confessed to her and her face is confused. "There are 7 men in the house and they all want to destroy you. They want to do things with you. They want you." I confirmed. She heads over to her bags and I turn my attention to the door; facing my back towards her. I don't want to invade her privacy nor disrespect her. "Get dressed and we are going to go out." I told her before walking back out to the kitchen.

When I get back into the kitchen to help everyone clean up, I hear Taehyung talking. "So what's the plan?" He asked. "We are going to have to do it quietly, should one of us pick her up? Or should we have her catch a cab there?" Namjoon answers Taehyung. We will heard a door close and everyone is silent.

Taehyung's POV


Yoongi and Y/n left the house so she could shower and get changed. The 6 other members gathered around and I knew that I needed to say something. "Guys...we need to do something for her. She's so special to us so we need to show her that we mean it." I told them and they all started to nod.


I'm glad that they agree. "We should take her on a a really nice date" Jungkook suggested and its a great idea. "Let's do that. Candles and all." Jimin said to us. "When should we do this? We leave on Tuesday already. If we want to do this, it's going to have to be soon." Namjoon making a clear point to how soon we're going to be leaving. My heart aches and I know that I just want to be with her but preparing for this comeback means that we will be gone. A lot of long days and even longer nights. "Look, if we can get this planned, we are going to have got to keep it a secret." Jin hyung tells us. This is definitely going to be our first mission as her boyfriends and it has to be perfect.

End of flashback

I know that we only have two more days with her. I don't want to be gone for 2 months but we need to go. This has to be special. We need to do whatever we can to make her remember us. She walks into the kitchen as we are all done cleaning up. "We are going out, we want to show you something." I told her and she quickly smiles. "Where are we going?" y/n asks us but when I looked at the others no one says a thing. "We want you to come see our studios and dance practice rooms." I answered her but Jimin glares at me so I don't spill any more secrets.


When the boys all head up to get ready, I walked back into the room and put on some light makeup. Mascara and a lip balm is all I'll need for today. When I come back out, the guys are all waiting for me and they all have duffel bags, a backpack and a suitcase. "Ummm what's with the bags?" I asked them but when Jhope pulls me and grabs my hands; I begin to get worried. "We won't be back until the semester is almost over." He answers me. "Why....where are...what?!" I already start to miss them and I can't help but feel my heart breaking in my chest. "I didn't know that you'd be gone that long! What am I supposed to do? Will I be able to see you?" I said while I do my best to hold back my tears. "Look, we aren't saying bye yet. We just need to drop it off." Jungkook says but I can already feel them leaving. "Don't think about it yet...let's have a great day and maybe if you want, we can ditch school tomorrow to spend time together." Jimin pulling my attention to him. I look at the ground as a tear managed to escape and roll down my cheek. "Please don't cry. We'll always be there for you and we will always stay in contact." Taehyung comes up to me and wraps his arms around me. One by one, they all come and join in. I can tell they care about me but I am worried that they will lose interest in me if they're too busy.

"Come on, let's go show you where our talents are put to work." Jin says cheerful. I thought we were going to take the big van but we took separate cars this time. I wondered why but Jimin and Taehyung rode in Jimin's car. Jungkook rode with Namjoon and the two oldest rode together. Jhope opened the car door for me and I hopped in. "Are you ready?" He asks me once he gets buckled in. I nod and we follow the other cars to the huge building that Jin took me to that one night. "Is this where you guys...." I look out the window. It looks different during the day. We roll down into the garage and pile out of the cars. "Did anyone bring their elevator key!?" Jimin shouted from his car as taehyung is laughing at him. Namjoon checked his pockets and he shrugged before looking at Jungkook who's shaking his head with a nervous smile. When I looked at Jhope he laughed even harder because he doesn't have his either. "YAH! YOU GUYS ARE GROWN ADULTS!" Yoongi yells at them and we all start laughing harder when he turns to look at Jin, "Hyung, do you have it?" Yoongi asked him. "AM I THE ONLY RESPONSIBLE ONE HERE?" Jin replied while laughing at all the younger men. "Of course I have it. I'll always bring it with me in case someone wants a beautiful view." Jin looks at me and I instantly start to blush. "HYUNG! YOU BROUGHT HER TO THE ROOFTOP!?" Jungkook yells at him as if he is ready to throw a tantrum. Jin smiles and starts leading everyone to the elevator.

We step out of the elevator and we're greeted by 8 men. "You guys are late" one of the men said. "Sorry, I'll take responsibility for that. We want you to meet Y/n. Is it okay if we show her the building?" Namjoon asked with a big smile. "Hi, Miss Y/n, its nice to meet you." The one who called them out for being late spoke. I flashed a quick smile as 7 of the 8 men grab the boys' bags. It seems like they are either their body guards or managers. They started to show me around the building, from one room to another, I get more and more amazed. Each of studios look different from the next. Their personalities and interests really show in how their rooms are designed. There is one room that is covered in mirrors along one wall and it's huge.

So this is where the mastery is started and created. I wonder what else is here...

"Hey Princess, some of us have a few things to do today. Will you join us for dinner later?" Namjoon asked me and I nod my head eagerly. I don't want to spend too much time away from them since they'll be gone for so long. "Jungkook can take you back to the dorms for you to get ready..." Yoongi said with a gummy smile. "There is a package waiting for you there, hopefully your roomies haven't gotten into it yet." Taehyung continued. "Oh...and make sure you read the letter first" Jimin cuts in. "Let us know when you're ready and someone will come and get you." Jhope follows Jimin. "We will see you tonight okay, Beautiful?" Jin says before Jungkook pulls me by my wrist back towards the elevator. "Come on, let's go because I gotta get back before practice starts." Jungkook says to me while we racing to the car.

On the drive back to the dorms, I start to feel like I miss my friends. They have no idea what I've been up to or who I've been with. Suddenly, he touches my hand that is sitting on my thigh. "Y/n?" He summons my attention. When I turn my attention to him, the profile of his face attacks me. His chiseled jawline, lip ring and tattoos look so good. "I really hope you have fun tonight." He says as the car comes to a stop outside of the building. He hands me a lavender colored envelope and kisses me on the forehead. "We will see you in a few hours okay?" Jungkook smiles at me before driving away. I walk into the building with the envelope and head up to my dorm. The moment I walked in, I am quickly given a warm welcome by Bermuda Triangle. "Where have you been!?" Meilyn shouts at me while pulling me in for a hug. "Do you even remember us?" Cherisse's usual sarcasm makes me giggle. "We missed you! Oh and there is something here for you." Lily mentions. Cherisse runs into the room and comes out with a massive black box that is tied with a beautiful white ribbon and 2 black bags. She places it on the dining table and I instantly have no clue what is happening.

What the hell is all of this.

"Open it! We are dying to know too!" Cherisse blurted. I walk over to the table and put everything down. That is when I am reminded of the envelope. I eagerly open the envelope and pull out the letter. My heart flutters at the first line and I feel tears well up in my eyes.

"To Our Beautiful Girl,"

A/N: we are coming to an end.

Misunderstood (BTSxY/N Poly ff) 18+Where stories live. Discover now