Chapter 1: Is my trauma so invisible to you?

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Nico was sitting at a bench by the embers of last night's campfire when someone says from behind him"Oh, hey, Nico!" He turned and came face to face with none other than Percy Jackson himself standing at the wall of the amphitheatre. "Hey, Perce." Forementioned son of Poseidon made his way over to Nico and sat down, looking troubled. "What's up?"

"Oh, it's just...I kinda had a nightmare y'know? About Tartarus?" Nico winced. "Oh."


"What was it about?"

"I....fell in alone. Had to do it by myself. With no hope of getting out. It was...awful. i'm so glad no one EVER had to go through that."

Nico looked uncomfortable."Yeah. It's a miracle no one ever had to suffer through that. They would be shattered."

"Yeah! And, in my dream, Misery taunted me about a boy who fell in there alone by ChOiCe and has never left."

"What? Why would he CHOOSE to fall?"

"To save his friends and because he thought no one loved him."

Nico took a deep breath. "Why would anyone ever think like that?"

"Yeah, that's what I thought! There is always one person who cares."

"Yeah......and Tartarus must have been awful."

"It was! I mean I never could have done it without Annabeth, she kept me sane in that hell hole. I was really badly injured down there, and i saw the uncensored Tartarus. It was....awful."

"W-what do you mean, uncensored Tartarus?"

"It's like, so when you r down there, you see a hell hole with red mist and gunky floor and monsters popping out of blisters on the ground. But the uncensored version.....I can't describe it."

Nico's brain was on overdrive. So Percy FORGOT he had been in Tartarus too??? And was quite literally explaining Nico's time in Tartarus as some sort of stupid life choice! Ans Nico has always seen the 'uncensored Tartarus' when he was there. Did Percy think that the 'censored Tartarus' was bad? Oh gods, that little-. How could anyone forget? He still woke up screaming, clawing at his throat, his lungs screaming for air at the memory of-

"Hey, Neeks, you good? You're a little pale."

"Hm? Oh, yeah, just trying to imagine what it would have looked like down there."

"Oh, there's no point. Unless you were down there, you can't possibly imagine it."

"Ok, Perce. I gotta run, promised Will I'd help at the infirmary. Bye." With that, Nico ran off to the infirmary, but when he was sure he was out of Percy's field of vision, changed course for his cabin, tears making their way down his face as he ran, flashback after flashback tearing at this eyes.

Gods, it hurt to be forgotten.


hiiii so i barely know how to work this thing so yeah here goes nothing hope you like it and happy new yeats eve!!!!!!!

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