Chapter 3: YOU DID WHAT???????????????

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Percy walked back towards his cabin, thinking over his conversation with Nico. The son of Hades had really matured in his year and a half in camp. He was such a good listener! So considerate, even trying to imagine what it had been like. He entered his cabin to find Annabeth sitting on his bed, reading some book about architecture.

"Hey, Seaweed Brain."

"Ey, Wise Girl."

"You okay?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah. I had a nightmare about....there, and I talked to Nico and he helped me."

"What was the nightmare?"

"I went in alone and Misery taunted me about a boy who jumped in alone and voluntarily but never came out."


"and I was talking to Nico about it and we both agreed; no one in living memory would ever have to go through that."

"Anything else?"

"Oh, yeah, I told him about the uncensored version of Tartarus and he went quiet for a bit trying to imagine...Annabeth?" Annabeth was smacking herself on the forehead.



"That is LITERALLY what Nico went through down there! Percy, what the actual hades?"

"Nico went to Tartarus?"

"OH MY GODS yes! He went in voluntarily to close the Doors of Death, but was caught by the twin giants and stuffed in the jar we rescued him from!"


"Yeah, OH! Oh my gods Seaweed Brain!" She smacked her forehead again and hugged Percy. "I'm sorry you had a nightmare, and we ARE going to talk about it later, but first i am gonna need the conversation in FULL. Every. Single. Detail."

-le time skip cos i rlly cant be bothered to write the recollection AGAIN-

-also changing to will and nico in nico's cabin cos i love me some solangelo XD-

Nico was still curled up beside Will, listening to Will rant on about some sort of family gathering that had ended in a drunk uncle, a pregnant cousin and a LOT of gossip. 

Will was so amazing. He was literally a sexy ball of sunshine.

"And then SHE said 'well it's YOUR fault I'm like this, so YoU had better start acting responsible!'"

"Wow. Just wow."

"So, whaddaya wanna so now?"

"I don't know, why were you in here in the first place?"

"Oh, I had to do some stupid medical record organisation of the last month, since it's November 28th. It's so boring and I like your cabin better than mine. It's so peaceful."

"Mmhm, sooooo peaceful. Oh, except for the skeletons littering the place and the shadows creeping up the walls."

"Oh shush."

Will started to tickle Nico, bringing out peals of laughter and cries of "Stop, stop! It tickles! WILL!"

Will laughed and replied with "Nope, you're too cute when you laugh."

                                AUTHOR'S NOTE

hello, this is probs getting rlly annoying, hearing fom me all the time, BUT I DONT CARE 

lmao im enjoying this XD


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