Chapter 2: Why does it hurt so much?

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Nico slammed his cabin door, leaning back against it, a sob racking his body. Images broke him down, piece by piece.

He sobbed unashamedly, because who was here to hear him?

No one.

He sobbed and sobbed, clutching at his chest. He couldn't breathe. Why did his lungs stop? Since when did air get stuck in his windpipe? Since when did Tartarus become engraved in his eyes? And since when did his cabin have footsteps coming from the bathroom and a blonde blob sitting at a desk?

The blonde blob gasped and ran to crouch in front of him. "Neeks?" Oh. It was Will. "Neeks, whats wrong? Please, you're scaring me." Nico could do nothing but cry, hyperventilate and reach out his arms. He wanted Will, as childish as it sounded. Will got the message and quickly grabbed Nico and wrapped him up in his arms. Nico buried his face in the crook of Will's neck, crying even more because no one should care this much about him. It was a waste of Will's time to even be in this bloody cabin.

Will rubbed long circles into Nico's back, whispering words only Nico was to hear. "Shhh, shhh, baby, it's okay." "You don't always have to be strong, let it out." "I love you." "Just breathe okay, that's all you need to do right now." The son of Hades slowly calmed, exchanging sobs that racked his body to sniffles that sounded so defeated it broke Will's heart to hear. But he was glad to hear it, in a way. No one else ever really hear them, since Nixo didn't tend trust people easily. But he was glad Nico could trust him enough to be what the raven haired boy deemed as weak around him.

"Hey, Neeks?"


"Can you tell me what's wrong? Something is clearly bothering you and it'll help to get it off your chest."

"Ohkay, sure"

Let's sit on your bed, nice as the Hades cabin is, the floor isn't the most comfortable aspect." This drew a breathy laugh from Nico as the two boys stand and make their way towards Nico's bed, the only one that was occupied. Will sat, leaning against the wall legs out straight, arm around Nico. Nico sat beside him, legs curled up, head on Will's shoulder.

"So, what's wrong?"

"I-I was talking to Percy."

"Son of a-"


"Sorry. Continue."

-le time skip cos im too lazy to write out what happened again. lmao-

"Nicoooooo, that's not right. "

"It's the way the world works, Will. Nothing I can do about it."

"No, Neeks! Just because you went to Tartarus before it was cOoL doesn't mean your trauma should be forgotten."

"That's the thing though. I'm always on the sidelines! No one notices how I feed into saving the world! I'm forgettable! I'm no hero!"

"You ARE a hero! The fact you always stay on the sidelines, never taking credit is braver than any stupid reckless act. You are so selfless, that's the same as bravery! You are UNFORGETTABLE!"

"......i love you."

" love you too, death boy."

"Can we please talk about something else?"

"Yah, sure. So, there was this one time..."

Nico sat curled up next to his amazing boyfriend, wondering how he got so lucky.

                                                        AUTHOR'S NOTE

mw again, 2 updates in one day im so proud XD 

ok gonna go write more byeeeeeee

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