The way words affect us

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this is that one chapter that is gonna take me forever im sorry Percy talks to Annabeth, and realises what he did wrong, decides to apologise to Nico when he sees him next. Nico is spending time with Will in his cabin and has a nightmare. Im sorry, again I LOVE hurt/comfort please please please leave comments and HAPPY NEW YEARthis says i published it on d 31st, but i did it on the 1st. nvm, the secondok ye not prous of this anymore, but ill keep going cos a few ppl like it. this story is really unrealistic, but that's how i deal apologies for anything i did wrong and any comments are welcome, even hate comments!


"Oh hades what have I done?" Percy held his head in his hands, shaking his head. "Oh gods."

"Hey, it could've been so much worse, Perce."

"I literally rubbed what he went through in his face, Annabeth! And acted like I never knew it happened!"

"Hey, hey, hey. If you just apologise, like A LOT, maybe it'll help?"

"You think so?"


"Thank you, Wise Girl."

"That's what I'm here for, Seaweed Brain." The two cuddled on Percy's bed and fell asleep like that, worries forgotten until the next time their eyes opened.

-nico and will pov-




"okay, okay." Will released Nico from the tickle hold and flopped back on the bed, laughing at the look on Nico's face, marred slightly by the tear marks left from the extreme flashback induced by 'The Conversation', as Will had dubbed it.

Will chattered on and on about the most random things he could think of, to distract Nico from the aftermath of 'The Conversation' . Wow, that sounded ominous.

"Hey, you ever seen Hercules?"

"No, but Wi-"


"I don't have a choice do I?"


Will set it up on the TV that was in Nico's cabin and pressed play. Somehow there was two bowls of popcorn waiting, so after double checking they weren't poisoned(well, WILL checked. Nico just wanted to eat the popcorn) they got comfy and watched the whole movie, Nico laughing his head off at the Hades character.

"Haahahahahahahahaha oh my gods FlAmInG hAiR he does look better with flaming hair, though."

"Oh can it and watch the movie, darlin'. "


" didn't know?"


"Yeah, sure"

After a while, Nico fell asleep on Will shoulder, just as Hercules was hanging over the cliff for that one girl. Will looked at his boyfriend, curled up asleep with his head on Will's shoulder.

"You're so cute when you sleep. Night, babe." He curled up beside Nico and fell asleep dreaming of a life with him as 'Zero to Hero' played in the background. Gods, he loved this boy.

-le time skip cos i am so excited to write the next part and idk what to write in between lmao-

-still nico and will. love me my solangelo babies XD-

Will woke to shaking beside him. He blinked a few times and looked down at Nico, who was shaking beside him. Tears made their way down his face as he tossed and turned, frantically mumbling something incoherent. "Oh, gods, Nico!" Will knew the types of nightmares Nico had, like Nico knew the types Will had. There were 4 types Nico had: sleep apnea(when he stops breathing after a nightmare. Solution-kiss), screaming (when he screams in his sleep. Often causes panic attacks. Solution-talking/cuddling), statue (when he doesn't move or talk. Solution-distraction) and hyperventilate(when he curls into a ball in a corner, cries and has a panic attack. These are the worst. Solution-distraction, cuddles, talking, kisses.)

This was a new one. Nico was shaking, tears were leaking from his eyes and he was mumbling stuff about Tartarus and a jar........OH!

Oh no

Oh no

Oh nononononoooooooo

The Conversation! Nico NEVER slept through the night, either he pulled an all nighter(Will TOLD him to stop, but NoOooooOoOOOOOo) or a nightmare. Ok, enough thinking. ACT, Solace!

He shook Nico's shoulder but the raven haired boy just rolled over, shaking even more. Ok, try again. "Nico!" He whispered, "Nico!" He shook his shoulders again, and this time it had effect. Nico vaulted into a standing position, already in a defensive position, ready for a fight that wasn't coming. 

After the son of Hades realised there was no threat, he collapsed against Will, crying in earnest and clutching Will's shoulder's as if he let go, Will would disappear. Will wrapped his arms around Nico and held him as he sobbed, whispering things only Nico was to hear, things he had never said to anyone else. 

When Nico had calmed enough to be coherent, Will convinced him to tell him what the nightmare had been about.

"S-so, I was in th-there a-and Misery was ta-taunting me ab-about never l-leaving and no one caring if I di-die-died. Then she la-laughed, p-poison surrounded me and I was suddenly b-back in the jar a-and I wat-watched everyone at camp die a-and Gaea won th-the war." 

"Oh, Nico, it was just a dream c'mere."

 Will wrapped Nico up in his arms again, and Nico let him do it. That was a sugn of discomfort in itself, since Nico hated physical contact. They stayed like that for a while until Nico was up to talking, and then Will told him about this one Disney movie he had seen as a child, Wall-E, about a little robot who finds love with a newer robot, EVE. Nico laughed at Will's description of humans on the ship, and, after a while, begrudgingly asked if Will had it on the TV. Of course, Will had every single movie on Disney+, so they binged movies for a few hours, Nico laughing even more at the stupidity of the captain.

After Wall-E was finished, Will put on Beauty and the Beast. About halfway through, Nico turned to Will and asked, "Will?"

"Yea, darlin'?"


"For what?"

"Putting up with me."

"Nico, you know I love you. Scars and all. You've been through so much, you're so brave. We all have nightmares, no one made it out unscathed, me no exception. I get it. And I love you FOR it, not in spite of it."

"..........I love you too, Sunshine."


ok, so I LIVE XD!!!!!! hope you enjoy this, happy new year and enjoy your day/night!!!! REQUEST WORK WILL BE UP SOON ILY PPL XXXXXXXX

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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