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"No. Please! Please spare my life!"the girl pleaded

"Do you think I will let you out that easily?"the latter smirked

"What the fucking hell happened to you, Sana!!? You're not like that back then. You are no longer the Sana that I knew before! You're a monster!"the girl cried letting her knees touched the ground

"You cheated on me"Sana blankly said, the gun was still pointed at the latter

"That's a freaking misunderstanding! I didn't do anything! You're just being paranoid here! I can't really understand you!"the girl said, earning a hard slap from Sana

"I'm not stupid that you think. Who's the girl with you? Who was that motherfucker who hugged you that day, huh!? Now fucking tell me, Eunha!"Sana said, Eunha can't help but to cry her eyes out

"If I really cheated on you, I will never come back to this house again! I can't with your condition. You're a fucking sociopath!"Eunha yelled, making Sana furious

Again, Sana pointed the gun at her and about to pull the trigger when Eunha kneeled down and cried on her knees.

"Sana, please don't kill me. Just let me out. I won't tell anybody, I'll stay quiet. Please, Sana. Have mercy with me"Eunha pleaded

Sana looked down and helped the latter to get up. Eunha smiled, knowing she will finally let her go.

"Are you sure that you won't tell anybody that I killed a lot of people?"Sana asked, which Eunha nodded her head
"Okay then, pack your things. You can now leave"she added, hiding her gun inside her pocket

"Thank you, Sana. . . Thank you!"Eunha exclaimed and quickly ran to arrange her things before Sana could even changed her mind

That didn't took long and Eunha finally finished her business. She didn't said any word and leave the place immediately.

Little did she know— Sana was just inches away from her, following her.

At the end of the street, Sana reached out for her gun and pointed it right onto Eunha's head.

"If I can't have you, then no one can"Sana said before she pulled the trigger and it exactly landed on Eunha's head

Full of blood was filled the place as when Eunha fell on the ground. Sana leave a smirk before she got out of the place and get something to her house.

It didn't take long before she came back.

She cleaned all the evidence that can be used by her, took all the latter's things and clean the gun that she's holding right now.

No one will ever know that she is the culprit in all of this. No one knows about her condition, no one knows about the crimes she committed, only Eunha and that one traitor friend she have.

She loves Eunha, but this is also for her own sake. She was selfish, she knows. Because she was sure Eunha will definitely let her down. For all the bad things she did to her. For all the pain she gave to her.

After Sana did what she wanted, she patted Eunha's head with her covered hands, smirking.

"Poor Eunha. If only you had been a good girl, this would not have happened to you"

Sana stood up as she felt that someone was watching her. She hurriedly run and hide, putting her mask on, leaving Eunha's unconscious body behind.

On the other hand, this tall girl saw everything that Sana did. She was shaking in fear. The way Sana killed the latter with no mercy, she even had the guts to smile when she did that crime.

She was just walking around when she heard a sound of a gun shot. As curious as she was, she searched where that sound was coming from and she ended up in this empty, dark street. But she regretted it all. She shouldn't be in this place.

Fuck, her curiosity.

Walking backwards with the fear never left her body, there, right there- she bumped on someone.

The tall girl look behind her and found this girl who just killed a person. She was now pointing a gun at her.

"You've seen it all, haven't you?"

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