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"Nayeon unnie, what happened?"

"Why are you drinking, is there any problem?"

"We're just here, we're ready to listen"

"I don't really regret letting her go because I knew I did the right thing"Nayeon smiled through pain

"H-have you guys broke up?"Momo asked

"Yes. Yes, we did"

"Why did you let her go?"Dahyun mutturred

"Simple, she fell out of love"

"But she already made the decision to be with you. Yeah, she fell out of love, but you must understand that love is more than just a feeling, it is a commitment and a decision you will make every day"

"Once you've fallen out of love, for sure you will think about leaving your partner. Some mistakenly believe that love is merely an exciting experience. Other people think love is just a thrill, which is not. There are needed tests to face so that you can prove that you really love that person truly. . ."Nayeon paused for a while as she took a deep breath
"But if I stay longer I get hurt, so I leave"she counted

Jeongyeon just stared at her. She always questions herself, why not me? Why can't it be her instead?

She haved watched her loved another girl for so long and that broke her everyday. Jeongyeon has been Nayeon's best friend. She's her childhood bestfriend since then, she's always with her. They went in High school and College together and now she works as her manager.

She's there when she got her first date, she's there when she got her first love, she's always there even when she got her heartbreak.

So why not her?

"Why are you so selfless, unnie"Momo cried and embraced her

Right, Nayeon's been selfless her whole freaking life. She always puts other people's feelings ahead of her own.

Why is she always the one who suffers the most?

Why can't she simply obtain what she wants?

"Nayeon ah"Jeongyeon said, taking her hands. However, she quickly withdrew and forced a hard swallow at the uneasy sensation.

She just gave the said latter a smile,

"I'm simply trying to tell you— to look over to yourself as well. You constantly think of the other people, that you almost forget about yourself"

Jeongyeon stared at Nayeon as Momo was hugging her. Tears that was forming onto her eyes can be seen, she knows she's been holding those when she met Tzuyu earlier.

"Let it out, Nayeon unnie. I'm here to be your crying shoulders"

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