Chapter Nineteen; One More Night

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My lovelies!

Hope you enjoy this chapter, it's mostly a filler chapter as you see pretty much where every relationship stands, (payzer, ziall and larry) along with a little of families coming into play as it is still the holidays in Chasing Harry―which I originally planned on writing much much faster but school came along and then no time O:

But it's writen, and guess what?
Only about 7 more chapters left ! O:
What do you think might happen?

Well there's a few hints here and there.
Not saying much more!

The song,
One More Night―which I dedicate to Ziall as it has really inspired me for their part. And the version is a cover―I fell in love with it so yeah. :)

And the picture on the side was just too asfghghdf to not put it :)

Hope you guys enjoyed it,
please vote, comment, recommend and don't forget to check out my other stories ! xxx 

Justakiss xxx 


Chapter Nineteen; One More Night


I licked the batter off my wooden spoon―glancing over at Zayn who was looking down at the counter, using a cookie cutter to cut out from the first patch of paste I had made before put―before putting it back into the bowl as I started mixing once more.

            He then let out a small chuckle which made my look over to him―his eyes locking into mine instantly.

            “You didn’t seriously just do that, Niall?” He asked a huge smile plastered on his beautiful face. “Really?”

            I bit my lower lip, my cheeks flushing into a bright red as I handed the bowl towards Zayn, offering him a lick or two. He simply let out another laugh before shaking his head and looking back down at what he was doing a grin on his face.

            “You’re so cute sometimes.” He whispered, placing several cut outs on a pan.

            I smiled a little more before starting to mix the batter once more, looking out of the window above the kitchen counter. The sky was light today which was different than usual; you could almost see the sun shining through the clouds. It was nice out but I bet freezing as I watched people walk on the street, holding their jackets shut and pulling on their scarves as they tried to keep warm.

            It was a little passed eleven in the morning and ever since I woke up earlier―much earlier, I’ve wanted to bake some chocolate chip cookies in the shape of Christmas tree’s to help bring some kind of holiday spirit between Zayn and I. It was the first holiday season we weren’t going see much of the lads as Harry is gone to his mothers for the next few days, Louis is planning on going over to Doncaster and Liam has plans with Danielle and his family; leaving Zayn and I here, in London. Considering Zayn didn’t mention doing anything with his family and the fact that there are no flights to Ireland until the twenty-eighth of December, I was to spend the holidays here and why not make it perfect by spending it with my boyfriend?

            That is―if he was alright with it.

            We still weren’t one hundred perfect alright and I could tell that the biggest reason was because Zayn lacked trust in me which I couldn’t blame him to full for it especially after the whole kissing Liam one too many times. But at the same time, we were able to act like a couple because we are one and we decided to put things aside that way we can focus on what’s really important―us being together in love and happy.

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