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Violent screams shook the house causing Nara to scream along at the top of her lungs. The air ran out of her body till her scream was silent and destructive.

She turned to her friend ecstatic for what will come. She manages to utter a phrase she waited her whole life to say. "why should I live when I can die?" She held a sword to her own throat feeling comforted by the cold blade wresting on her scared skin.

"Live for your country, your family, me." The screaming stopped Nara didn't know if it was in her head anymore "please" her best friend got down on one knee and begged this.

"I'm sorry" whispered Nara and dropped to her knees to hug here desperate friend.

A blood stained sword came out the other side of her 'best friend'.

"oops!" She spat as she waked, laughing, away.

There's only one thing she wanted and would kill anyone to get it.

(Authors note: I know this ones quite short but the next one will be much longer)

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