Chapter 12

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"I have a plan"

The door quickly opens revealing the same guy who took her standing infront of us covered in blood with a knife in his hand.

"Where is she"! "What have you done to her"!

Santi quickly tackles him to the ground before kicking the knife away as I rush through the corridor door after door searching for her before hearing someone shouting from one of the last doors.

"Aria"! "I'm coming"! "Hold on"!

The lock on the door quickly unlocks to the bullet piercing through the side as I push the door open to see her laid there on the floor with dried blood stains and even more scars from before showing through her pale skin.

"Aria". it's okay everyone's here your okay", I say taking off my jacket putting it over her. "Enzo". "Shh it's okay he won't hurt you ever again I promise". "Enzo I can't walk he drugged me with something", she says as I lift her up bridal style.

"Let's get the fuck out of here". "Put your arms around my neck to stop you falling". "What about James". "We have him you won't ever see him again".

3rd person:

Enzo quickly walks out the room towards the stairs carrying aria as she rests her head against his bare chest. The first two buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned revealing the top of his chest as the strong smell of cologne lurked around giving her a sense of comfort.

"I have her"! "Everyone get back to the cars"! "I'm sorry". "For what amore"? "Ruining your shirt and jacket". "It's just a little blood". "It's not your fault".

"Do you want to go back with me or lexi and the others"? "You". "I don't want them to see", she says. "That's fine I'll send them away leaving a car for us".


"Are you cold, I can put the heaters on". "No I'm okay". "Why did you come to save me". "It's not like you even care since you kidnapped me and all".

"Because you don't deserve to be tortured". "Plus he deserves to die". "What are you going to do with him". "Keep him alive for a bit then we will just kill him".

"What's going to happen to me". "You can stay with lexi for the night if you want she can lend you something to wear".

"I'll call our doctor in to check you over and clean the wounds". "No". "Your cut and bruised all over". "It's happened many times before I know how to look after it myself". "So no".

"If that's what you want".


Shortly after they arrived back at the house enzo carried her back inside placing her down on Lexis bed before the medicine worn off.

"Do you want anything from your room"? "No I'll just wait until Lexi comes back". "Okay".


"I'm so sorry aria", Lexi says walking in. "I knew I should of gone for you it's my fault all of this happened". "It's fine lexi at least I don't have to deal with him anymore". "I got you something".

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