Chapt 1: Come With Me

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This story is still being based during the 2003 anime. Just to let you know.

"(Y/n) get down here!" Lust yelled from downstairs, "we need to talk!"

"Coming!" You yelled back.

You jumped off the windowsill, and swung the door open. As you ran down the hallway, you couldn't help but think what Lust wanted to talk to you about. You rounded a corner, but instead of continuing to run, you bumped into someone and fell to the floor.

"Hey, what you doing?" said a raspy voice

You looked up to see...Envy. Envy was your, well I guess you could say boyfriend. You have been staying at Cornello's mansion for a few weeks, and on the second day you were there, Glottony tried to eat you and Envy saved you. After he saved you, he confessed and you've been together since.

"Lust called me and was going to see what she wanted" you replied.

"She called me too" he said holding out his hand, "come here."

You grabbed his hand and he pulled you up into his arms.

"Envy...what are you doing?" You asked looking up from his chest.

"I'm giving you a hug" he answered bluntly, "that's what couples do, right?"

"Right!" You said with a smile plastered across your face and hugged back.

"Let's get going" he said letting go of you.

You and Envy walked downstairs and into the living room. Lust was sitting in a chair with her legs crossed and Gluttony was eating someone's arm. You weren't scared of Gluttony anymore, you actually thought he was pretty cute (but not in that kinda way) ever since he apologized to you after he tried to eat you. As you and Envy walked over to the couch, you pet Gluttony's head then sat next to Envy on the couch and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder.

"Alright, the whole reason I called you here is because we're leaving" Lust said crossing her arms.

"What do mean we're leaving?" Envy asked looking at Lust.

"You're so stupid, our mission is over and we have to head back to report to Dante" Lust said with an annoyed tone.

Envy glared at Lust. " I'M NOT STUPID!" He yelled.

"Yes you are" Lust said with no emotion in her voice.

You laughed as Lust and Envy argued, but on the inside you were kinda sad. You and Envy had gotten super close, he trusted you and now he was leaving.

After Envy and Lust finished their argument, you and Envy headed up to his room. You sat down on his bed, and Envy opened a drawer and pulled out a small bag, probably those red stones he eats all the time. He then sat down next to you.

"So... you're leaving right now?" You asked with sadness I'm your voice.

"Yeah...wait! Why do sound so upset?" He asked putting his arm around your shoulder.

"Well... because your leaving" you answered, hanging your head down in sadness.

Envy grabbed your chin, and made you look up in his purple eyes.

"Who said I was leaving" Envy asked.

You blushed. "W-what do you mean?"

"I'm not leaving" he said shaking his head.

"WHAT?!" You asked with wide eyes.

"I'm not leaving, because you're coming with me?" He smirked.

Your eyes widened even wider.

"So, what do say?" He asked, "do you wanna come with me?"


Sorry if Envy was OOC, but I tried.
New chapter should be up soon.

Bye bye :3

Who Knew He Could Be So Caring Sequel (Envy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now