Chapt 10: This Can't Be Happening

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You slowly opened your eyes to see Envy jump through the window and start fighting Bradley! You were so happy to see him, but you couldn't show it because of the unbearable pain in your shoulder. That's when another person broke through the other window and came running towards you and Sloth, it was Wrath!

Wrath touched the desk and turned his arm into a wooden spear, using the wood from the desk. He ran at you, jumped, then stabbed Sloth's face. Sloth let you go and slithered away before forming back into her original body and healing herself.

You fell to your knees while holding your chest and gasping for air. Wrath ran over to you and helped you up then faced Sloth.

"Mommy, I won't let you hurt (y/n)!" He told her.

Sloth was now completely healed and was standing up straight. She kept a straight face as Wrath spoke to her before she spoke.

"Wrath, sweety, I need you to give me (y/n) so I can finish my job" Sloth said sweetly, "once I'm done here, we can go home and play as much as you want."

Wrath glared at her. Did Sloth think he was a idiot or something, he couldn't help but think that.

"I won't" Wrath said sternly, "(y/n) is my friend and I would never hand her over to you!"

Sloth looked shocked. Wrath just disobeyed his orders, and he always listens to her orders! Then her shocked face turned into a face filled with pure anger. She turned back into her liquid form and lunged at you! Wrath tried to grab you, but instead, Envy grabbed you and pulled you into his chest. You looked up from his chest to see him smiling down at you. He gently kissed your forehead before picking you up bridal style and running out of the office and into the hallways of Central Headquarters.

You ran through halls, trying your hardest to lose the Furur, who was chasing after you. Envy picked up the pace and made many random turns and you avatualy lost Bradley.

Envy skidded to a stop in front of a skinny door. You looked up at him with a confused look on your face.

"Envy, why'd we stop?" You asked, but he ignored your question.

Envy grabbed the doorknob and swung the door open to reveal a small broom closet. Envy quickly walked in and swiftly closed the door. Envy sat down in the corner and set you down in between his legs and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close to his chest.

"Stay quiet" he whispered to you, "we'll leave once I'm sure it's safe."

You nodded your head and squirmed a bit to get comfortable, you felt like this would take a while.

~time skip~

You and Envy sat there in the dark which seemed like forever. That was until Envy got up and helped you off the floor. He took your hand in his before opening the door and began to run down the hallway.

You ran and ran, until you finally reached the exit. You felt a little nervous. When you were running, you didn't see anyone in the halls, absolutely no one and it was making you feel uneasy. You tapped Envy's shoulder to tell him about this.

"Envy...don't you think it's a little odd that no one is here?" You asked.

Envy looked over his shoulder at you and smiled a warm smile.

"I'm sure everything's fine" he said.

You nodded your head and Envy nodded back. He led you to the big exit/entrance doors of Central Headquarters before taking hold of the huge door handles and pushing them open.

You squinted at the sun light before your eyes widened with fear. All the people that were in that building were now standing outside the exit, blocking your escape. That's when you heard a gunshot and for you...everything went black.

(Envy's POV)

I growled at the sight of all the soldiers blocking me and (y/n)'s escape. As I was thinking of a way to get us out of this mess, I suddenly heard a gunshot! I looked at (y/n) to see her fall to the floor!

My eyes widened at the (y/n) motionless body, there was now a bullet hole right where her heart was ...she was dead. I felt something wet roll down my cheek. I touched it then more came falling down, for the first time in my life as a homunculus... I was crying.

This feeling of sadness and despair soon left and was replaced with anger and hatred. I looked up to where the bullet had come from, it came from on top of the roof! There was a soldier holding a gun and next to him...was Pride. Before I could attack him, Wrath came running towards me from inside the building.

When Wrath reached my side, he saw (y/n) on the floor and tears began to fall down his face. I got back in my fighting stance, about to attack Pride, but Wrath touched my arm, causing me to stop. I looked down to see him wearing a very serious expression.

"Take (y/n) some where safe" he said, "I'll hold them off."

"But..." I tried to say.

"JUST GO!!!" Wrath suddenly yelled, "take her to Hohenheim... he might know what to do."

I didn't argue with him. I gently picked up (y/n)'s limp body and gently rubbed my cheek on hers before I jumped over the crowd, dodging the bullets that the man on the roof was shooting at me.

~time skip~

I ran through woods. Hohenheim told us that he was heading back home after he told us where (y/n) was, so that was where I was going.

I finally got there and ran to door. I didn't bother knocking, I just knocked it down. I ran in to see Hohenheim cleaning up the mess I had left, hehe...oops. He looked up at me with a annoyed expression on his face, but that changed when he saw (y/n). He hurried over to me and looked down at her.

"What happened?" He asked with a serious tone in his voice.

"I couldn't get her out safely" I replied. My voice was cracking, I felt like I was going to burst out into tears.

"I can see that, but what happened?" He asked again.

"A soldier shot her under Pride's orders"

After I said that, I couldn't keep it in anymore, I burst out in tears. Hohenheim seemed extremely taken back at this, but I didn't care. I held (y/n) even closer to me and rubbed our faces together. I couldn't believe she was dead, and it was all my fault that she was. I looked up at Hohenheim's shocked face and spoke.

"Please...can you ~sniff~ help her?" I asked between cries.

Hohenheim shocked face was replaced with a look of pity. He sighed and held out his arms.

"I'll see what I can do"

I gave him (y/n) and was about to walk further into the house, but Hohenheim stopped me.

"I'm sorry Envy, but you need to leave"

I looked at him like he was crazy.

"WHAT!!!, WHY!!!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry, I just don't want you to see what I will have to do to her" he said with sympathy in his voice.

'What did he mean by that' I couldn't help but think.

"How long will this take?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, I just know it will take a while" he replied, "I will take her to you once she is better, I don't want to see you trying to see her until she is better though."

I nodded my head then I left. I was still very upset, and Hohenheim refused to tell me what he was going to do. Also, I wasn't allowed to visit and see her until she was better, which made me more upset.

During this time of waiting, I was going to miss (y/n) so much.

Who Knew He Could Be So Caring Sequel (Envy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now