Chapt 15: Resembool

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You were on a train with Envy and Wrath. The thing was, you really had no idea where this train was heading. You were just in such a hurry to get away before Pride and Sloth could find you, you weren't paying attention to where the train was taking you when you bought the tickets.

On the train, you and Envy sat next each other, while Wrath sat across from you with his cheek against the window, sleeping. For some odd reason, there weren't a lot of people on the train. There were only like few people there.

"So... do you know where we're going" Envy asked, breaking the silence that you sat in.

"I'm not really sure" you said with a sad tone.

Envy suddenly looked conserned. "Hey, what's wrong?"

You looked up at him and gave him a puzzled look. "Hm?"

"I asked, what's wrong?" He repeated, "something seems to be bothering you."

You sighed. "I just... I'm afraid we'll get caught."

Envy laughed. "What could make you think that we'll get caught?"

You gave him a 'are you serious?' look. "Well, Pride is after us, and Pride is also the Furur King Bradley, so that means he has an antire army that he could use to find us."

"Pride can't do anything to me and you!" Envy yelled out, causing Wrath to stir a little bit, "I am the first homunculus! So that must mean I'm the strongest! Right?"

"Of course, Envy" you said giggling.

"And, since I'm the strongest, Pride can't beat me or hurt you because I'll be protecting you!"

This caused you to start laughing, causing Envy to give you a weird look.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Oh, it's nothing" you answered, still giggling, "and yes Envy, you are the strongest homunculus, and you will do a great job protecting me."

You leaned up towards Envy's face, and gently kissed his cheek. This made him blush...cute. After that, you leaned on his shoulder, making him blush even more, and went to sleep.

~time skip~

"(Y/n)..." Envy whispered, shaking your shoulder, "(y/n), time to wake up...I think we're here."

You didn't respond, so Envy shook your shoulder harder until you groaned and your eyes slowly opened.

"Mmm...Envyyyyy" you whined while rubbing your eyes, "why'd you wake me up?"

"Because we're here" he answered, "we have to get off the train."

You looked out the window to find you were pretty much in the middle of nowhere. It was just a huge field with a dirt road running down the middle of it.

You turned away from the window and looked at Envy "Envy, do you know where we are?"

"I do" he simply said, "we're in Resembool."

"Where's that?" You asked.

"It's like the country side" he answered.

"Oh" you responded

After findung out where you were, you shook Wrath's shoulder, causing him to wake up. Wrath groaned and you told him it was time to get off the train. Wrath got up and followed you and Envy off the train.

Once you got off the train, you relized that there were no houses in sight, so that ment you had no place to stay. You discided to consult with Envy about this problem.

Who Knew He Could Be So Caring Sequel (Envy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now