Chapter 5: To Protect You

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When Wrath finished picking the lock, he quietly opened the door to see Envy stuffing red stone in his mouth. After Envy ate the entire bag of red stone, he nodded at Wrath and left the room. Wrath understood what he ment and obediently followed Envy down the hallway.

Envy and Wrath poked their heads out from behind a wall to see into the main entrance of the mansion, Dante wasn't there. Envy and Wrath ran down the stairs, making a break towards the door. Envy was able to grab the doorknob, but he wasn't able to open the door because a long black spear stuck into the door, dangerously close to his face. The two homunculi spined around to see Lust standing there with a smirk plastered across her face.

"Are where do you think you're going?" She asked.

"Lust, I'm pretty sure you already know where we're going, so let us go!" Envy growled.

"Oh Envy" Lust sighed, "just let the human girl go, she's safer with Hohenheim. "


Lust was shocked at Envy's sudden outburst, she thought she would never hear those words come out of his mouth. She turned her nail back to normal and walked towards the door that led to the living room, but she suddenly stopped. She looked over her shoulder and spoke.

"You better get that girl back" she said sternly, "or I let you guys go for nothing."

After that, Lust walked into the living room. Leaving Envy and Wrath behind to escape. Wrath looked at Envy with a confused face, Envy shrugged then opened the door. They quickly ran out the door, determined to get you back.

(Now, to you)
You continued to cry into your pillow, until you heard someone knock on your door.

"C-come in" you croaked while sitting up.

The door opened, revealing Hohenheim. You glared at him, you still didn't want to talk to him. He sighed when he saw you glaring at him.

"I know your upset with me" he said walking over and crouching besides the bed, "but I did this to protect you from the people that wanted to hurt you in that house."

"How did you know I was there?" You asked sternly.

"I didn't" he said, "I was there to settle something with my family, and you just happened to be there."

"So.... you took me away to protect me?" You asked, your expression getting softer.

"That's right!" He said happily.

"Will I ever see Envy again?" You asked sadly.

"Envy?" Hohenheim said confused, "Oh that's right! That's what they call him now, of course you'll be able to see him again!"

When he said that, you immediately perked up and smiled a bright smile. Hohenheim smiled back, glad that he could make you happy.

"I'll be going to Central to get a few things" he said getting up from the floor, "if you don't mind, I would like you to come with me."

You nodded your head and got up from the bed. Hohenheim left the room so you could get ready to leave. You couldn't wait to go to Central, you had never been there before.

You quickly walked over to your dresser, and picked up a necklace Envy gave you. You never actually wore it around your neck, you kept it your pocket, you know, for luck. The charm was basically the homunculi's tatto, but a shiny. You put on the necklace and looked at your self in the mirror, you thought it would be a good day to actually wear it. As you looked at the necklace, you couldn't help but smile at the memory of the day Envy gave you the necklace.

(Flash back)
"Hey (y/n)!" Envy yelled from behind you.

You turned around to see a blushing Envy with his hands behind his back.

"Yes Envy?" You asked walking up to him.

Envy took a deep breath, and took his hands out from behind him, holding a box. You looked at him with a confused look on your face.

"I - I got you this" he studdered, looking away so you couldn't see him blushing.

You took the box out of his hands and opened the box. You gasped when you saw the homunculus tatto necklace in the jar.

"I-I wasn't sure what to get you" he studdered, "I just wanted to get you something...if you don't like it you can..."

Envy couldn't finish because you had tackled him. Envy fell to the floor while you giggled and hugged him tighter.

"Envy, thank you so much!" You squealed with delight, "I love it so much thank you!"

Envy sat there for a while in shock before wrapping his arms around you returning the hug.

"You're welcome" he said looking at you with a smile.

You giggled and pecked him on the cheek, making him blush even more than he already was.

(End of flash back)

You giggled at the memory. So many people thought Envy was a heartless psychopath, but he can be the sweetest and cutest thing around you.

With a smile still plastered across your face. You skipped downstairs, ready to go to central.

Who Knew He Could Be So Caring Sequel (Envy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now