Chapt 11: My Life Without you

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(Envy's POV)

An entire year, that's how long it's been since I've seen (y/n). I've missed her terribly, and no body understands that. After I had took (y/n) to Hohenheim's, I returned to Dante's mansion.

Let's just say that I didn't get a very warm welcome. Instead, Dante used her alchemy to make me spit up the red stone I had consumed so now I am super weak. Also, all my siblings gave me the silent treatment, and they still are. That's right, I've been completely ignored for an entire year.

I'm no longer allowed to leave the mansion and I usually don't leave my room, even though I'm allowed to. I don't really think there is a reason to leave my room, with everyone hating on me I don't really think there's a point.

The only person who has not ignored me is Wrath. I used to think he was pretty annoying and we'd be better off without him, but I take that all back now. When Dante refuses to give me the little amount of red stone I need to survive, Wrath will kindly give me some of his after he is given his share of it. Some times Wrath will get caught giving me some of his red stone and he will get punished. After that happens, I won't see him for a while.

You may be wondering why Wrath isn't going through the same punishment that I'm getting. Well, the reason for that is because Dante believes that Wrath is Sloth's responsibility, and that I am her's. She also thinks that my punishment is for much older homunculi like myself. Since Wrath just became a homunculus a year ago, he still needs to have the right amount of red stone in his body.

You may also be wondering what's happening to (y/n) right now. To be honest, I have no idea. Ever since I left (y/n) with Hohenheim, Hohenheim would send me little notes with numbers on them. He would give them to Wrath, who was allowed to go outside, then Wrath would give them to me. The very first note I got from him said 5% complete and latest note I got said 95% complete. It's almost to 100% and I have no idea what will happen when it does.

I miss (y/n) so much I can't handle it. I miss her laugh, her smile, her voice, her hugs, her kisses. I know there is a 50/50 chance I may never see her again, but there is also a chance that I will. If she doesn't come back, I may not be able to stand a single day without her.

Please... (y/n)...come back.

Who Knew He Could Be So Caring Sequel (Envy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now