Chapt 9: They Want You Dead!?

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You, Ed, and Al walked through the streets of Central. You had finally convinced Ed to let you down and walk instead of being carried. But Ed said you had to walk right between him and Al and if you tried to run away, they would catch you and start carrying you again. You agreed to this.

You walked until you found yourself at the front of Central's main military building, where the King Bradley worked (I forgot what it was called). You looked up at it with a awe struck look on your face, you couldn't help but think if you were actually going in there.

"Oi! (Y/n)!" Ed yelled to you.

You looked towards his voice. Ed and Al were already at the door!

"Hurry up!" Ed yelled, "we don't have all day!"

You nodded your head and quickly ran up to them. Edward opened the doors and you walked in.

You had no idea where Ed and Al were taking you as you walked through the hallway of this place. As you walked, people who worked there gave you weird looks, like if you weren't supposed to be there or something. It was beginning to make you feel uncomfortable. Ed and Al stopped walking when they came to a big pair of doors.

"This is the King Bradley's office" Al whispered in your ear.

Your eyes widened. What in the world were you doing here? You couldn't help but think. Even more, Bradley was a Homunculus, so you couldn't stay here, he works for Dante! Dante pretty much wants you dead!

You followed the two brothers into the room. It was a pretty big office. There were a few chairs, a sofa, books shelfs, and one big flag that represented amestris. Under that flag was a desk, and sitting at that desk was the Furur King Bradley. He looked up from his work and smiled at Ed and Al. He then smiled at you, but you could see anger in his eyes when he looked at you.

"Hello boys, how may I help you?" He asked nicely to the the two brothers.

"We need you to look after this girl for a bit until we find out where we can take her to keep her safe" Ed answered giving you a nudge, signaling you to step forward.

"I see" Bradley nodded before giving his attention to you, "and who might you be?"

"My name is (y/n), sir" you said with confidence in your voice.

"It is very nice to meet you" he said with a smile before giving his attention back to the brothers, "so, how long will I be looking after her?"

"Just until we can find a place where the person who is looking for her can't find her" Ed answered.

Bradley nodded his head in agreement.

"Alright then Boys, I accept your offer."

The Elric Brothers sighed in relief.

"Now, I'm sure you boys have work to do" Bradley said clasping his hands together, "you boys go do that and I'll look after Miss. (Y/n)."

The brothers nodded their heads. Al said goodbye while Ed just waved. Then they left, leaving you alone with Furur King Bradley.

That's when it happened. After you couldn't hear Al's loud footsteps anymore, Sloth came out of no where, her body turned into a liquid, and she wrapped her self around you! You were having a really hard time breathing, she was squeezing you really hard.

"W-what are... doing?" you choked out.

Bradley didn't answer your question. Instead, he stood up from his desk, unsheathed his sword, and began to walk towards you. This caused you to start to struggle, which made Sloth tighten her grip on you.

"Don't...c-come...any...c-closer" you said, it was beginning to be very hard for you to talk.

Bradley didn't listen. When he was right in front of you, he took his sword and stabbed you shoulder! You screamed a blood curdling scream and tears began to rapidly fall down your cheeks. After a few seconds, Bradley took his sword out of your shoulder, causing you to cry more.

"W-why?" You cried.

Bradley chuckled.

"Oh (y/n), we are under strict orders from Dante" He said with amusement in his voice, "she thinks you are making Envy way to soft and she wants you dead."

Your eyes widened. They really did want you dead.

Bradley aimed at where your heart was and brought his sword back, getting ready to strike. You closed your eyes real tight, waiting for pain and death to come, but it never came. Instead, you heard the sound of glass shattering.

Who Knew He Could Be So Caring Sequel (Envy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now