|chapter 1| Mint Cookies to begin to heal a broken heart

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the fire user sits at the campfire, everyone else has long since gone to bed.

he doesn't care if the Harpies decide to make him their next meal, he's alone. always has been always will be.

Piper once told him that some people were destined to be alone. granted at the time she had been talking about her father, and a little bit about herself, but it still seems to ring true with Leo.

everyone has decided to ignore him.

ok, he has been avoiding Percy like the plague- but in his defense Percy is rather cold and scary to Leo. like he still hates him.

Piper and Jason broke up and so Jason has seemed to forget Leo's existence.

Piper told Leo that he reminds her to much of Jason and hers relationship so she's left him as well.

Annabeth seems to have glued herself to Percy's side so he has no one there either.

Frank told Leo that he doesn't feel comfortable around him and Hazel is nice but he is too much like Sammy for them to be friends. it stings. like a dagger continuously stabbing at his heart.

he hates to think about it but he preferred it when the world was ending, at least then he had something to make him stay. now? he's about two seconds from grabbing his bag and running away.

the monsters can eat him for all he cares, because the only people in the world that he cares about is acting like he never existed.

like he didn't die a painful death for them- like he didn't come back in excruciating pain and work himself to the brink of death for nothing.

he never once complained about it, never once tried to hurt anyone of them.

never once made anyone of them cry.

yet they complained, they hurt him and they made him cry.

but he still loves them. he'd still do it all over again knowing this would be the result.

feelings, what a curl bitch of a thing to have.

he gives a hallow laugh, staring at the small flicker of flames, barely there. the flame a light blue color and if it was a normal fire would have gone out a while ago.

he isn't sure how long he's been sitting there until he could tell he wasn't alone, he asks "what are you doing up?" not even bothering to turn his head.

he could see the presences is Nico when he walks oven and sits down next to him.

Nico asks him "why are you out here?"

Leo shrugs, not feeling like trying to put a name to all the complicated emotions that seem intent on drowning him. Nico hums as if understanding his shrug.

he pulls out a silver sleeve and offers it to him, Leo takes it wordlessly and opens it to find the smell of chocolate and mint.

taking one of the cookies he tilts' the sleeve back to Nico who also toke one. that's how he and Nico spent the rest of the night eating mint chocolate cookies together.


A/N, guess what I'm currently eating? yeah, I know, not the most creative thing out there but hey, there good. anyway, what do you guys think for the beginning of a little story?

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