|chapter 6| ADHD + curly hair = talking about trauma

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we decided that running away with no supplies is, in fact a bad idea. so we waited and permanently barrowed some essential items like food, water, weapons, medical supplies, money, and clothes.

after waiting until dusk Nico says "I can shadow travel us to the outskirts of New York." Leo nods, gripping his back pack handle tightly.

he asks as a thought occurs to him "doesn't that drain you?"

Nico rolls his eyes saying "only after the third time and shorter distance the less draining."

after a few moments Nico asks "is the outskirts of NY ok?"

Leo grins at him saying "yeah, sounds good."

Nico hums and grabs Leo's hand saying "whatever you do, don't let go."

Leo immediately says without thinking "wouldn't dream of it."

and then darkness wraps around them like a cold blanket of regret. as if every little thought that Leo pretends doesn't exist is whispering in his ears. Nico's hand tightens around his own, Leo doesn't hesitate to tighten his grip either.

then, the darkness dissipates and Nico is clearly more tired and shaken then before Leo decides out loud "yeah, we're not doing that anymore. com'n you need to sit before you pass out."

Nico nods slowly without argument, Leo could see they landed in a residential area, right by a park. sitting Nico down on a park bench Leo doesn't let go of his hand. Nico drinks some water from his bag and takes a minute to gather himself. Leo doesn't say anything for the minutes that pass by.

he realizes that they never told anyone that they were going to leave or even write a letter.

would anyone even worry that they had left?

would they even consider that they ran away together?

have they even noticed that their gone?

Leo's expression tightens as does his grip on Nico's hand. Nico says softly, still tired but slowly gaining energy "don't do that." this pulls Leo from his spiral asking "huh?"

Nico rolls his eyes saying "your starting to over think something, smoke was beginning to pour out your ears."

Nico wasn't kidding, smoke was beginning to form a cloud around them. Leo gives him a sheepish smile and Nico rolls his eyes again with a small smile playing on his lips. Leo asks "you good?" Nico nods and stands up, dropping Leo's hand.

------------TIME SKIPPY SKIP WITH SKIPPERS!!!!!!!! AND POV CHANGE-----------------------


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