|Chapter 11| trauma+Thai food = silent conversations

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seeing Nico with such a vacant expression feels like being kicked in the face.

they had gone back to the hotel after killing the monster.

thankfully this hotel room has two beds instead of just one.

but it didn't make the guilt go away as Nico sits on his bed, a thousand mile stare.

he knows the horrors playing out inside Nico's mind, but there isn't anything he can do to help.

sighing Leo gets up and begins pacing.

he can't help him.

Nico remains petrified. like a living statue, frozen to relive his own hell, over and over again.

Leo stops in his tracks when Nico takes a sharp, deep breath.

Leo sighs in relief but it's short lived as Nico begins crying.

Leo doesn't but much thought into it as he rushes over and hugs him.

Nico grips Leo's shirt as he sobs into his shoulder.

Leo uses one hand to cradle Nico's head and the other to support himself upright.

Nico's heartwrenching sobs fill the silence as Leo's heart aches to take his pain.

and to sooth the wounds that lead to such pain.

after some time Nico sobs quiet and Leo slowly coaxes him into taking a shower.

Leo uses this time to change shirts and order Thai food.

soon after, Nico comes out of the bathroom, looking hollow.

Leo asks him "do you want to talk about it?"

Nico hums and Leo readies himself for whatever trauma Nico throws his way.

Nico said "the monster reminded me of the pit."




Leo nods and Nico continues "it was different for Percy and Annabeth."

Leo tilts his head, silently asking 'how so?'

Nico answers "they didn't see it's true form."

Leo silently asks 'there is a true form?'

Nico nods, saying "the pit is a living thing."

Leo makes a face. 'ew.'

Nico's lips twitch.

there is a knock at the door and Nico jumps, hand on his sword.

Leo holds out his hand in a 'stop' motion saying "it's just a food delivery. I ordered Thai."

Nico relaxes as Leo gives the man the money and takes the food.

once the door is shut and locked again Leo unpacks the dinner, giving Nico his and sits down on the his own bed before digging into his own.

Nico asks "how'd you know what I wanted?"

Leo grins "I guessed. you seem like you like spicy food."

Nico shrugs as if saying 'guilty as charged.'

Leo chuckles.


Leo's chuckle echoes in his head.

the monster hit an old wound he'd not been ready for.

it wasn't just the pit.

it was his sister.

during the fight Nico had lost sight of Leo and feared the worst.

Leo is the only person who he's sure cares about him besides Hazel.

he can't lose someone else.

that fear. that true, heart stopping, world ending fear.

he'd nearly lost him.

not again. Nico can't do it again.

Nico watches Leo chowing down on his food.

so unaware of the effect he has on Nico.

how? how does he find his way into danger's arms again, and again?

Nico sighs and Leo silently tilts his head 'are u ok?'

Nico nods 'yes.'

Leo raises his brows 'you sure?'

Nico rolls his eyes 'yes, now stop worrying.'

Leo pulls a face 'really? I'll never stop and you know it.'

Nico huffs 'fine.'

Leo smirks. Nico wants to wipe the smugness off his face but doesn't, allowing Leo the win.

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