|chapter 5| napping + cuddling = deciding to run away

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if he's being honest with himself, he'd say 'I am getting a crush on Nico Di Angelo' but he has a track record to keep with lying to himself so instead he insists 'no, we're just friends' sighing he knocks on the Hades cabin door, receiving a few odd looks from passerby but he ignores them.

Nico opens the door, dark circles under his eyes. gesturing inside he grumbles "come in."

as he steps inside he suppresses a laugh at the entire inside of the cabin. it looks like a stereotypical vampire layer. black walls, coffin like beds, red carpet, everything. Nico growls "not my idea."

Leo shakes his head, unable to stop grinning like a mad man. "I didn't say a thing."

Nico sends him a death glare and Leo notices his fowl mood, Leo asks bluntly "what crawled up your ass and died?"

Nico huffs, flopping onto one of the beds saying "Hazel is ignoring me. said something about me comparing her to Bianca."

Leo inwardly winces, Hazel's right. he does compare the two of them, unintentionally but he still does, a lot. Nico asks with a tone of worry in his voice "is it true? I mean, I try not to but..."

Leo sighs, placing his bag of clothes at the foot of the bed, sitting down next to him. he answers gently "yeah, it is. unintentionally, but you still do it. you need to talk to her, settle this somehow."

Nico frowns, staring up at the ceiling. Leo asks softly "what are you thinking about?"

Nico rolls onto his side, asking "do you ever feel like this is it? that this is our lives?"

Leo frowns looking back at Nico asking "what do you mean?"

Nico gives a bitter smile, sitting up to properly see Leo's face.

"Leo, look at us, we are demigods, we are never going to fit in the real world, we are hunted and slaughtered by both monster and gods- Gods, Leo, the vary gods we are supposed to serve. we're nothing but soldiers breed and trained to be killed."

Leo nods, he doesn't try arguing or defending the gods, because what he said is true. Nico says softly "I want to runaway."

Leo studies Nico's face, trying to figure out what's going on in Nico's brain and if he should be worried. Leo eventually just says "you know our agreement, I will go with you, no matter what. but I would like to know why."

the child of Hades sighs, flopping back down onto the bed. he answers while staring at the ceiling "I'm tried of it here, I'm tired of the rules, the funerals, the quests, the deaths... I'm tired of the reminders that we're nothing more then pawns in one sick and twisted game that never ends."

Leo doesn't speak. how can he? Nico is right, and he agrees with him. Leo lays back on the bed, shoulder to shoulder with Nico, his only response is to look at him with a troublemaker grin and ask "so, where to shadow boy?"

Nico gives him a soft smile and say "we can go anywhere in the world we want. so I want to go everywhere."

Leo chuckles with a nod of agreement saying "so that's what we'll do. when do you want to make our great escape?"

Nico yawns answering quietly "after sleep."

Leo hums, curling up and turning his back to Nico saying "ok, but I'm not moving." he could feel Nico rolling his eyes but not arguing.

----time skip brought to you by someone who fails to realize how long its been since I updated--


(I'm sorry I had to, it's to cute!!)

as he wake up he realizes three things.

(one: he's cuddling Leo.

(two: Leo is comfortable.

(three: Leo is cuddling him back.

once his brain comprehends these things he notes that Leo has yet to wake up. his soft curly black hair splayed across the pillows, he inhales through his nose and puffs his cheeks out until he lets out the tiniest puff of air.

Nico can't help but smile, Leo is freaking adorable. he smells like smoke and oil. not in an over powering way, but subtle, like you won't realize how nice it is till it's gone. kinda like Leo.

he'll admit, he didn't really miss Leo when he died at first, but after a week he realized he kept looking around for him. then he couldn't stop thinking about him, how he cracked jokes, how he never stopped smiling, how he never treated Nico differently, how passionately he was about everything.

then Nico gained a crush on someone who had already died. then Leo came back... different, sadder, quieter, and if anyone paid attention, angrier. no one knows where he went, but then again, no one bothered to ask. everyone just acted like he never left.

slowly, Leo wakes up, Nico pretends to be asleep. he doesn't want Leo to stop cuddling him, after a few seconds he can hear Leo's breath hitch, then, he lets out a soft scoff and then he can feel Leo's arms tighten around him and then Leo mumbles quietly in a gruff morning voice "he shouldn't be allowed to be that cute..."

then he listens to Leo fall back asleep. Nico internally screams at the comment, 'Leo thinks I'm cute!!! why? I didn't do anything, in his mind I wasn't even awake! wait, that's why he said it out loud, I wasn't awake to hear it... but I did... what do I do? do I bring it up??? do I forget about it?? nothing. that's what I'll do. he only sees me a friend and if I bring it up things will get weird.'

he decides that they need to get going so he gently shakes Leo's shoulder saying "come on, get up." before untangling himself and standing up. Leo quickly gets up as well and asks "so, you still wanna do this?" Nico nods wordlessly.


A/N I'm sorry, I didn't realize how long it'd been since I updated this. to me it'd only been around a week or two... not nearly a month.... oops.... anyway, I'm going to try to find some sort of system to do this properly. anyway, thank you for reading, and please tell me what you think will happen to these two? where they'll go? will they get together on their travels? will they go back to camp? what will everyone at camp think??? plz tell meee!!!!

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