ChApTeR fOuR

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"Ma, don't go," Laila whined. Her mother hated this moment every day, for it broke her heart, but Amina was more than cautious. She'd rather live this pain for now than having Laila living it every day.

"I'll be back tomorrow," Amina promised. Aatif honked the car, asking Amina to come soon. "Your brother is getting impatient. I have to leave. I'll be back before you know it."

Laila trusted her mother and knew she would never break her promises, but that's not what Laila loathed. Laila yearned to sleep in her mother's arms, just like how it used to be before she hit puberty. At those time, when she had the comfort of her mother, she had taken it for granted, but now that her mother had distanced herself from her, Laila ached for her attention and comfort; love was given in abundance, so Laila never felt its lack.

"Assalamu Alaikum," Laila greeted as her mother got inside the car.

"Walaikum Salam," Amina and Aatif replied in unison. The car took off and soon, they were nowhere in near sight.

Sighing, Laila entered the house and entered the security pin. With the final click of the button, the gates locked itself and window shutters were closed. All doors leading outside were shut and couldn't be opened unless from the inside. The house was under high security ever since Laila turned eighteen.

From her becoming of a woman to turning eighteen, Laila had had a housekeeper, appointed especially to take care of her, but as Laila turned to a legal age, she refused anyone having to take care of her, for she wanted to be independent, but often loneliness took over her, making her regret her very choice.

Taking a bath, Laila prayed her last prayer of the day and reciting the dua before sleeping, she got into bed. The tiredness of the day overtook her and soon she found herself drifting off to sleep.


The next morning, Laila had woken up early and after the morning routine, found herself in the first period sitting beside Hayat. "I just can't stand him," Laila admitted, whispering, as she took down some notes.

"But he's hot!"

"Hayat!" Laila said exaggerating her name. "Qadir may be hot, but still he is rude and annoying."

"But he's hot," Hayat repeated.

Sighing, Laila continued to write down some more notes and didn't realise the class was over until the bell rung. "He's bad news," Laila concluded as she started to exit the class. Separating ways from Hayat, she started making her way towards her next lecture- the one she had been dreading the whole day, for it was the same one Qadir and she shared.

Taking her seat next to some girls to avoid any interference with Qadir, she started to prep herself before the lecturer arrived. Seconds turned to minutes and soon after, a boy rushed into the room declaring that the lecturer is absent.

As much as Laila loved to study, a free period sounded like heaven to her ears, that was until she was brought back to reality by an object poking her in her back. She abruptly turned her head around and was not surprised to find Qadir. Chewing on a bubblegum, his brown hair danced along. His brown eyes showed the slightest amount of lust as they studied Laila's brown orbs.

"You wanna leave?" he casually asked. Laila's eyes widened in shock.

Raising her eyebrow, she asked, "Are you for real?" and turned back in her seat.

"God. Stop being such a goody good. Drop the act already," Qadir said sulking back in his seat.

This caught Laila's attention as she whipped her head to face him. "Excuse me! What makes you think this is my act? Excuse me if I'm more keen on coming to college to study rather than being you," Laila screamed in rage and disgust. A few heads turned their way, their eyes studying the situation.

Laila continued to stare at Qadir and for a few seconds, they kept on staring, waiting for the other to blink first. The sound of someone clearing their throat caught both of their attention. Laila turned her head and saw Hameed standing next to her. "Is everything okay?" he asked Laila, his gaze fixed on Qadir.

Laila nodded, looking down in embarrassment.

"I'm going to the library to do some studying. Would you like to accompany me?" Hameed asked Laila.

Feeling a relief washing over her as Hameed unknowingly helped her escape the situation, Laila tool her bag and stood up. "I'd love to," she said following him. Turning around, she saw Qadir, knuckles tight and face red. Laila felt satisfaction run through her.

The walk to the library was a fair amount of distance. It would take at least from their class. Hameed walked ahead of Laila, constantly checking to see if she was following. "Is he bothering you?" he asked breaking the silence.

Laila looked up to see them standing outside the library. "Who?"

"Qadir. Is he misbehaving with you?"

Unable to find the correct words and not wanting random strangers to interfere into her life, Laila said, "No, he's just a little rude. That's all."

Hameed didn't seem to believe her, yet he nodded anyways. "He's not as subtle as he seems. Where he comes from... I wouldn't be surprised if he got you with a smoke on your lips."

"What!? He smokes!?" Laila asked unbelievingly.

Hameed laughed slightly. "Smoking is like eating a candy to him. It is one among other things. He's got more than smoking under his bad habits."

"But why's that?"

"I really don't feel so good talking behind his back and all, but from what I've heard, and most of them being true, I guess I'll just be stating the facts. He was a straight A student but something happened last year. There are rumours, but nobody knows what for sure. From then on, he's always seen alone and turned to street fights and drugs. Everyone tried to help him, but no matter who tries to help you, you should be able to accept it. With Qadir, he just doesn't want any help."

A sense of guilt washed over Laila, unable to even think of how Qadir could be going through. What made him take such a rational decision? What made his life take an U-Turn? Curiosity got the better of Laila. She wanted to find out and she was already set on how.

"Why doesn't he want any help?"

Hameed shrugged. "Yeah well, if you ever need anything, consider me as a friend."

Laila smiled. "Thank you." With a smile in reply, Hameed walked inside the library and Laila followed, both sitting on opposites sides of the room, completely oblivious to their surrounding, engulfed in their books and their worlds.


He watched from afar, her eyes roaming around her books. Her beauty captivated him. From a stranger or friend, he had a way to get closer to her now, for he had a way in which she will search for him. This was better than he thought.


A picture of Qadir is uploaded in this part.

In the previous part, chapter 2, I have added Hameed's picture.

Hameed and Laila seem to be becoming friends. Laila is now interested in Qadir, taking it as a challenge to help him. What do you think will happen next?

Will Salim's son get closer to Laila before that? Leave your comments and let me know how you like the book so far.

In the future chapters, slowly all of Amina's past will be revealed- Omar, Zain, etc... so be patient for that.

Until that, stay safe. Allah bless you! ❤️

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