ChApTeR sIx

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Her hands sweated nervously. She wiped it on her navy black skirt, and adjusted her grey hijab. 'Why was I nervous? I have nothing to be nervous about.' No matter how many time she tried to console herself, her heart beat faster than the second before. 'What have I gotten myself into,' she thought as she piled all of her books inside her bag.

Laila thought she had the situation in hand. She thought she had it all planned out, but she was more than scared to death. College had ended and she dreaded what was to come after- her 'so-called' meeting with Qadir. She hadn't seen him the whole day nor had he attended his usual classes with her; not that she was looking for him anyways, but Laila couldn't help but peak at his empty seat.

As soon as her foot stepped outside of the college perimeter, her phone beeped on queue.

"You never texted."
- Qadir

Looking around, she tried to find him, but to no avail, her eyes didn't meet his.

"I was about to."
- Laila

"Liar! Where do you wanna go? ;)"
- Qadir

Typing an address, Laila asked Qadir to meet her there. Getting inside her car, Laila gave her driver the same address and instructed him to go there. She knew if Qadir had known the place she asked to meet, he wouldn't come for sure. She hoped to convince him and put a stop to his self-destruction.

When the car had arrived, she got out, leaving her bag inside and grabbing only her phone. The driver parked the car to a side and awaited Laila's return. Seconds became minutes and soon, a bike stopped in front of Laila. The rider got down and walked up to her. Removing his helmet, Laila saw that it was Qadir.

His eyes studied her, then travelled behind her, examining the building. "You've got to be kidding me," he said throwing his arms in the air, "I thought you and I could spend some quality time together and you have brought me here?"

Goosebumps formed on Laila's arms as Qadir's tone raised with each word. "You said one hour and I choose the place. Now, I chose this. Can we go inside please?"

Laila walked ahead of Qadir, hoping he would follow. After a few slow, short steps, she felt his presence behind her after a heavy growl, or maybe, it had been an exaggerated sigh.

"Hello. Can I help you?" said a lady as Laila and Qadir walked inside the double doors.

"Yes. My name is Laila Ali Khan and I had called yesterday regarding a friend."

"Ah yes yes. Now, is this your friend?" the lady asked looking at Qadir. Laila nodded. "Okay then. The group will be starting shortly. I have already briefed you over the phone, but I'll guide you as we walk there." She gathered some paper stacks in her hand and lead the way.

"My name is Addison. This Drug Abuse Program was formed by my great-grandfather after the loss of his father to drugs. This is our family business. We simply want to help and we have had a success rate of ninety-eight percent so far. Our program is thirty minutes a day. It will differ from individual counselling to group-"

"No individual classes," Qadir interrupted. "I will stay as long as you're there. If you're not there, I'm out."

Addison stopped, eyeing Qadir and looked at me. "Group class only can be arranged. We expect perfect attendance. Prescriptions of medicine is expected to be taken daily." She stopped behind a door and turned to look at us. "Remember, if you're still struggling with drugs, we have no choice but to send you into a compulsory residency program, where you have no choice but to stay with us until you get better."

Laila could hear Qadir gulp. The doors opened. Laila and Qadir entered the large room. In the middle of the room was a circle of chairs, mostly occupied. There was two free chairs, allocated just for them.

Addison pointed to the empty place. "You can take your seat," she said and sat in another chair among the circle. "Okay, group. We have another member here today." She looked at Qadir and asked him, "can you introduce yourself please?"

Qadir simply ignored Addison, sending looks of blisters towards Laila. Laila stared back and for a moment, all sets of eyes were on their staring competition. Qadir blinked and Laila smirked. With another sigh, Qadir stood on his feet.

"Hey. My name is Qadir."

"Hello Qadir," everyone said in unison.

"Well Qadir. Why are you here?" Addison asked.

Qadir shrugged his shoulders and pointed to Laila. "She brought me here."

Everyone looked at Laila and she loathed the attention. "Because he has drug problems," Laila said in his behalf.

"And that," Qadir agreed.

"Okay. We are here to help... Only if you accept it. Do you accept it Qadir?" Addison asked.

Qadir looked at Laila, sending his looks of pleading followed by sympathy. Laila didn't and couldn't cave in. She had to help him and if she felt sorry for him now, there wouldn't be any way else. She was his last choice. Qadir sighed for the millionth time and nodded. "Yeah, I accept it." A loud set of applause filled the room and so, Qadir's recovery had started.

The group session had been something new and Laila had met a great set of people- people who were outcasted forever because of once regretful choice they made. That choice had become their addiction and no matter how much they wanted to leave it, they couldn't. Of them, the most brave are those who are willing to accept help and now, thanks to Laila, Qadir was one of them.

Walking out of the building, Laila stood at the door of her car, ready to go home. "Nah nah nah," someone whined behind her. She turned her head to find Qadir with his helmet between his hand and hip. "One hour is our deal. It's just been forty-five minutes. There is still time left," Qadir said.

"Fine. I'm starving. I'm going to eat at the Chinese place near my home. Come along."

Qadir's lips slightly parted in shock. He had though Laila would fight and argue, but she had simply agreed and was keeping her part of the deal. "I'm right behind you," Qadir said getting on his bike.

The drive was quite longer than usual, as the mid-day traffic had caught on. By the time they reached the restaurant, it had already been ten minutes. "Let's order in," Qadir suggested unaware of the time.

"Uh huh," Laila agreed as she walked up to the counter. Placing her order, she paid for her food and started walking out of the shop. Qadir stood there confused and followed her out. Stopping in front of her, blocking her way, he asked her, "Where do you think you're going? One hour remember?"

"I remember and one hour is done," she said showing her phone to him. In it, was a timer still running past one hour. "I set it as soon as you came there. So that means, one hour is done." Walking past him, she smirked at her cleverness.

"That's not fair. That's cheating," Qadir whined behind her.

"All is fair in love and war."

"So this is love?"

"This is war!" Laila said to him as she got inside. The car slowly drove away.


He had followed her for a distance and soon, he shall make it love between them, never a war.


A picture of Laila uploaded.

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