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Laila ran as she passed the trees, the image becoming blurrier by the second. Blood spilled out of her head, her hair dishevelled. She had no idea where her hijab was, nor she had any time to even think. Allah would forgive her for this, for no man could see her at the moment, nor would any man find her attractive in that state. The only thought constantly making its way onto her mind was that she had to run. She had to escape far from here.

The neighbourhood was silent as usual and the lights of the houses were turned off. Laila internally thanked the house-owners this time, though she had cursed it before. The dark streets with light only available at every other street provided the perfect shade for her to hide in. She stopped to take a breath, unaware of her surrounding.

She knew where she was, but somehow, she was unable to put it into a name. Her mind didn't oblige to her trembling body. Laila knew she couldn't risk another second, and so she started running- far away from her house, her neighbourhood and far, far away from him. Something within her told her that it was useless; that he could find her somehow, someway, but reciting Surah Al-Fatiha, she kept on running for some hope and any help.

A vibration inside her pant pocket caused her to halt in place. Running her hand inside as quick as she could, she took out her phone. His name flashed on it and tears started falling out. She had to get rid of it... now!

Throwing the phone onto the hard pavement and stepping onto it for double assurance, she started running again. But Laila had lost her ways and she didn't realise it until she stood there- right where it had started. It had been a loop all along. How could she have not known this? She was used to this street, for this was her home. Why didn't she remember?

Slightly shaking, she looked at her house, the only one with all the lights turned on. Unwillingly, she started to silently sob. She took a step back, and another. He couldn't see her. She had to make sure he didn't see her.

Taking another step back, she tried to escape. But all she could ever do is try. As she took another step in retreat, her shoulders came in contact with another. A gasp involuntarily left her lips. Laila started to regret every moment leading up to this. She knew this was the end. She turned around, her chocolate eyes meeting with a pair of similar colour. Anger radiated off of him and she took a step away from him, but his hand stopped her from doing so.

Tears escaped her eyes and she had no way out. She had only two options left: plead to escape or surrender and die. Thinking of the latter made the hair on her skin stand. She was not ready to end her life just yet. She wanted to see her mother, Amina, her father, Ali, and her brother, Aatif. She should at least have had a chance or moment to say good-bye.

So she went with the former option: to plead and escape. His hands were still locked on hers, as his brown orbs continued to study her like she was an unpredictable and unstable being. Of course she was. She had the right to be.

A soft sound left her lips. She cleared her throat and tried again. "P-please l-let me go. P-please. F-for the s-sake of Allah please."

He continued to look at her as his touch on her skin became cold, matching his distant eyes. "I know you can at least do this much for me. You owe me this much. Please," she begged again, "plea-"

Laila's words left incomplete as a strike to her head was blown, followed by another. She fell into someone's arms, the smell familiar to her like her second home. She felt something oozing out of her head as darkness took over. Was this the end?


So, what did you think of this? I never thought I'd be doing the sequel but here I am with you guys now.

What did you think of this prologue? It is only the prologue and the story is yet to start with chapter 01.

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Allah bless all ❤️

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