ChApTeR oNe

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The sunshine peeked through the window. It was half opened, despite the the cold winter outside. The white, silk curtains slightly danced against the wind and Laila groaned at the sudden cold breeze. She opened her eyes, but all was dark. She took off her purple eye mask and was blinded by the light. She squinted her eyes and adjusted to the brightness.

'It was yet another morning,' she thought, as she got down from her king sized bed. She threw her red silk duvet made of Egyptian cotton back into the bed and stretched her aching muscles. Walking into the attached bathroom, she started to get ready for another day.

After refreshing herself, she walked back in her room and started to pray Salah. It offered her peace and calmness, something she very much needed nowadays. Exams were nearing in college and she needed to score high marks. She had always been a straight A student, but that never stopped her from being better. "The best of people are those with the most excellent character," she told herself every day.

Folding up the prayer mat, she started to dress for school. Considering the weather, it really didn't matter what she wore. She only wanted to stay warm and comfortable. She walked to the dressing table and started combing her long brown hair. Her big brown eyes complimented her fair complexion. She paired a long dark purple skirt with a light purple shirt and a black hijab to compliment it. Finally satisfied with herself, she went down to the dining room to find it empty as usual.

It wasn't that her mother and father were never home; it was that she didn't live with them. Laila knew who they were- Amina and Ali Khan- and she knew she had a brother, yet, here she was, in an almost empty house living her life for the past ten years. She was sent away and separated from them at the age of twelve, right after she hit puberty.

Why? She never knew, but she trusted her mother's words that took the role of night's lullabies. "I will always be with you Laila and I will do anything to protect you!"

That assurance and promise made her feel safe, yet Laila didn't understand what she needed to feel safe from. She trusted her mother's words like she trusted Allah's verses. After all, Jannah lies at the feet of your mother right?

The car waited outside, ready to take her to college. The sun shining bright in the sky made her squint her eyes as she covered them with her hand. Rushing inside the car, the driver started it and away they drove.

The neighbourhood they lived in was filled with rich families, who kept to themselves most of the time. The only time she would see her neighbours were on rare occasions when they both leave the house at the same time.

This had been her life as long as she could remember; one that she was accustomed to. Yes, it bored her sometimes, but she was more than grateful for it. She had everything she could ever want at the snap of her fingertips. Laila's parents, Amina and Ali, never spoiled her, but she didn't have anything to complain about either. Being an only daughter had its own privileges but sometimes she couldn't help but wonder, if only she could live with her family forever.

Sighing, she didn't realise she had reached her college until she was brought back to reality by the driver. Giving him a nod, she exited the car and put on her sunglass as the bright sun hit her eyes.

As soon as she entered her first class- Human Resource Management- she was engulfed in a big hug. Laila knew who it was just from the touch. "You're back!" Laila turned around, wrapping her hands around her best friend's waist. "I missed you so much Hayat."

"Oh Laila. I missed you too. God. It's been like forever." Laila nodded in agreement. Hayat had not been to college for over two months as she was away visiting her grandparents in Somalia.

"It has, hasn't it?" Laila said as she linked her arms with her best friend's, entering the classroom. "Now tell me. How has your holiday been? Anything interesting?"

At this point, Hayat was jumping up and down in her seat. "It was the best holiday. I met so many of my old friends and I couldn't ask for anything more. Although..." Her mood suddenly turned down as she continued, "the sun was horrible and it gave me a bad tan." Hayat pouted her lips and Laila chuckled as she examined her friend's features.

Hayat was a short girl, with locks of golden brown hair hidden behind her scarf. Her golden orbs complimented every single feature, making her eyes pop out. Her plump pink lips together with her chocolate tan skin made her simply look like a barbie doll.

"You look fine," Laila assured her just as the bell rang. Students ushered inside the classroom and last came the professor.

"Students," he said aloud gathering everyone's attention. "We have a new student here." The professor turned his attention towards the door just as a boy stumbled inside. His hair was messed up and he wore the typical bad boy look. "Your register please?"

The boy handed him a paper as his eyes roamed around the classroom.

"Okay Qadir. Welcome. Go and have a seat." Qadir- he was a muslim, Laila wondered.

Qadir walked to his seat and Laila turned her attention towards the professor as the lesson for the day had started. Qadir's eyes looked at Laila and didn't turn away until he realised he had been staring too long.


Just as the bell rang as soon as the class was over, a phone rang. Answering it, he kept it to his ears. "I see her," he said into the phone. "Laila will pay." Ending the call, his eyes locked on her, as Laila continued to laugh along with her friend. He will do whatever it takes to make her pay.


Dun dun dun!!! The only thing I have to ask you is, this style if writing, is it confusing and/or hard to understand what is going on? Should I change it to the other way? Please let me know.

"Growing With You" already ranked #216. I am so excited.

Thanks to @hayatadam for name suggestion: Hayat. It was one of my favourite ones. =)

Allah bless all. ❤️

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