ChApTeR fIvE

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The final bell rang signalling the end of the day. Exhaustion overtook her as Laila forced her feet to move. Securing her hijab in its place, she gathered her books and started exiting the college building when something from afar caught her eyes.

From the corner of the street, a boy was half leaning inside the car. Removing himself from the window, he stuffed something into his pocket and started walking away. It didn't take her long to realise who it was- Qadir.

Discreetly following him, her curiosity took the best of her. Walking around the walls of the college, Laila followed him endlessly. After a good five minutes of walking, Qadir halted in his spot. Laila feared he had spotted her presence. She quickly ran back and hid behind the corner wall and peeked. Qadir, however, kept looking around until he disappeared into the other side of the corner.

Laila continued to follow in his trail. There, she saw him sitting against the wall, cross-legged. Laila realised that this was the back wall of the college campus. Some litter strayed in random places, but looked like not another presence beside their own had ever come in here.

Qadir's hand went inside his pocket as he retreated the bag he placed in earlier. "Wanna join?"

Laila jumped back. Her heart almost leaped out. "Wha- what is that!?" Laila asked as she eyed his movements.

He had noticed her all along and she had thought she had been sneaky. Now, she was cornered. She started nervously sweating as her breathing became uneasy and started to evaluate the situation.

"What do you think?" he asked back as he started tearing open some more bags and placing the contents in front of him.

"Food?" I asked hesitantly.

Qadir left a low chuckle, shaking his head. Lighting a fire from a lighter, he placed a cigarette inside his mouth and inhaled. Laila took a step back from him, ready to leave.

"Want a smoke?" he asked handing the carton of cigarettes towards her.

Laila raised her eyebrows. "Are you for real!?"

"It's bitter around the first time, but you'll get used to it. Here," he said, his hands still reaching out.

Laila took the cigarette box and threw it in the ground and stomped on it. A mischievous smile spread on her lips, pleased with herself.

Qadir smirked as he continued to unwrap another bag. In this,
however, were herbs of sorts and a pipe, like of Popeye's. Laila's eyes widened.

"Are you smoking... P-p.."

"Pot?" Qadir asked and finished her sentence. "Why yes, would you like a joint?"

"Are you for real?" Laila asked as she ran to him to snatch it out of his hand. Qadir was quicker and hid it from her sight. "You can't smoke that. That's illegal. I won't let you do that."

"And why's that?"

"Because it's illegal and haram and you won't be able to pray," Laila said as she listed down the reasons immediately. "And because I simply won't let you."

"And what do I get in return?"

"Wh- what do you mean?" Laila asked cautiously.

"Well," he said as he put bag all the contents into the bag and rubbed his cigarette on the pavement, "if I smoke this, then it's a win for me. But if I don't, what do I get in return?"

"Good health?"

Qadir shook his head. "Not enough."

"What else do you want?"

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