jealousy (Nischay ❤️)

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“nischay"  you squeak to the aforementioned brunette boy as he drags you into his unoccupied dorm room, “what has gotten into you? Why are you throwing such a hissy fit?” He doesn’t answer you at first; he closes the door with a rough push and locks with a distinctive click. Shoving your back against the heavy surface, he turns head to look at you directly. His eyes were molten chocolate, tracing over every feature in your face. His plush, pink lips turned down into a harsh frown.

He counters your question with one of his own: “What are you doing, wearing that skirt out in public?” Your skirt was a pastel pink one, pleated and stopped just above your mid-thigh. You shrugged a shoulder; you didn’t see anything wrong with it. Then again, you don’t have the mind of hormone-crazed, twenty-year-old college boy.

“It goes well with my sweater,” you said simply, pointing to your knit, ivory over-sized sweater. That answer didn’t seem to satisfy nischay, as he let out an angry, primal sound from his throat. Oh, he’s growling now? Fuck, this might get a happy ending quicker than you expected. Once nischay opens his eyes to look at you again, he gently takes your chin between his thumb and pointer finger and replies with: “No one is allowed to see you in these tiny skirts but me.”

The low tone in his voice caused shivers to run down your spine and pool in your panties. This dominant, aggressive man was far from the sweet, soft-spoken boy you’d meet six years ago on your first day at Lancers (random go with the flow) With wide eyes and whispered words, you tell nischay , “I didn’t think my skirt was that short—” Your words are halted when Nischay’s lips attack your own. There is nothing loving or gentle about this kiss; it’s all tongue, teeth, and taking charge. Your fingers curled into his dark hair, and your moan is swallowed by Nischay’s unforgiving mouth. He reaches down and grips the back of your creamy thighs, his mouth only leaving yours to tell you to “jump.” You do as asked and do an awkward little jump, but it seems to be enough for Nischay to lift you, press you against the door, and wrap your legs around his waist. Giving his kiss-swollen lips little pecks, you breathily tell him, “I don’t think I’ve seen this side of you. It’s hot.”

Letting his macho-man act drop for a moment, he chuckles. “Glad to know that. I’ll save that for later.” You peck his lips once more.

A/n - this was more like a teasing part . Oh aur haan HAPPY NEW YEAR LOVE YOU ALLLLLL❤️❤️❤️

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