bumpy ride (ajey)

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       You stood in your room in the bunker, framing photos to decorate your dresser. You had just put up one from your childhood with the boys. It was when you and ajey were thirteen and you had begun developing a crush on him, so you did everything you could to be close to him. In the photo, you both wore happy smiles, and his arm was casually slung around your shoulders.
       You smiled as you set the picture down on the dresser top. Without warning, a pair of familiar arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you back against a warm chest. Your smile widened as you turned around to wrap your own arms around your boyfriend, Ajey. He leaned down to peck your lips and you melted against him.
       “yash’s asleep,” he murmured as he peppered kisses down your neck. You could tell by his tone of voice what he was aiming at, and your body froze.
       He noticed your tension and pulled away to look at you. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
       “Ajey… I’ve never…”
       He nodded in understanding before his eyes widened in surprise. “Never? Not even with previous boyfriends?”
       You shook your head. “I was always too shy… That was why a lot of my relationships ended…”
       His heart broke and he pulled you to his chest. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, baby.”
      His concern warmed your heart and you looked up at him. Standing on your toes, you kissed him, resting your hands on his chest. His hands rested at your waist as he returned the kiss with restrained passion.
       “I… I want to…”
       He looked down at you softly. “Are you sure?”
       You bit your lip and looked up at him with a timid nod.
      He kissed you again, leading you towards the bed. He lifted you into his arms and gently laid you down on the plush blankets before hovering over you.
       “Do you trust me?” he asked softly, resting a hand on your cheek.
       “Of course,” you replied with a nod.
      He smiled. “Good.” He leaned down to kiss you again, adding more passion than he had before. His tongue slid across your lower lip, asking for entrance that you immediately granted. You’d had Ajey’s tongue in your mouth before; making out was nothing new for you. It was the removal of clothing and everything that came after that you weren’t used to.
       He rested one hand by your head to support his weight, the other traveling down your body. He started with your neck, sliding down over your breast and squeezing it gently. He traveled down your side, his fingers dancing on your hip. He past the waistband of your jeans, sliding down to squeeze your ass before continuing down your leg.
       He gently trailed his kisses down your neck, smiling when you tilted your head back to give him better access. He nibbled the skin, knowing that it was your weakness. His gentle touch and soft lips eased your nerves and you relaxed against the sheets, content to let him pleasure you as he saw fit. Your arms rested by your head and you didn’t protest when he spread your legs just enough for him to lie between them.
       As he sucked on your collarbone, his hand wandered up under your shirt. You froze at first, and he paused to wait for your consent. He looked up at you with patient eyes, only moving on when you nodded. He pushed the fabric up over your bra, revealing your plentiful cleavage, and continued on, pulling it over your head. Your cheeks reddened at the exposure and you tried to cover yourself. You’d never let anyone see you shirtless.
       He kissed you sweetly and rested his arms on either side of your head. His mouth against yours relaxed you and your arms returned to your sides, leaving your chest exposed. He smiled as he pulled away, kissing down your neck to your cleavage. You gasped when he took one breast in hand, kneading it gently, and pressed kisses along the other.
       His other hand reached around your back to fumble with the clasp of your bra. He looked up at you as he did so, waiting for confirmation that he was allowed to remove it. You met his eyes and nodded softly. He smiled and unfastened the garment, pulling it from your chest and arms.
       “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, taking a bare breast in his hand. Your gasp of pleasure distracted you from any response you had, your eyes fluttering closed as he kneaded and pulled the mound of flesh.
       When his lips found your unattended nipple, your chest exploded. You had never known your boobs were so sensitive and pleasurable. His tongue flicked across the bud, causing you to arch your back, pressing your chest closer to his face. He smiled at the response, his hand massaging one breast while his lips and tongue paid attention to the other.
      A tingling sensation grew between your legs and you bucked your hips, rubbing against his. He raised a brow at the action and ground his hips back against yours, smirking when a soft moan fell from your lips.
      Ajey's  lips left your breast and traveled down your belly, leaving a trail of tingling heat on your skin. He paused again when he reached the waistband of your jeans, not wanting to go further than you were ready. You bucked your hips up as a form of consent, wiggling to help him remove the material. You sighed contently as cool air blew over your warming body, not minding at all when he nestled between your legs again.
       Only, this time, he was lower.
       His hand gently massaged your calf while his lips trailed from your ankle, up your calf, over your knee, and up your inner thigh, pausing at the edge of your panties. The tingling between your legs grew as he repeated the steps on your other leg. Your legs spread of their own accord, inviting him in. He hook a finger around the fabric, waiting for your approval. You nodded and lifted your hips, and he slid your panties off.
      Even completely exposed, you felt comfortable with the hunter hovering above you. Ajey had always made you feel safe and loved, and you continued to feel that security as you lie beneath him, stark naked. He removed his shirt and jeans, leaving him in his boxers so you were nearly evenly exposed. He settled between your legs again, his face level with your belly.
       “Do you trust me?” he inquired again.
       “Of course,” you breathed. You always trusted ajey.
      “Your first time is going to hurt, so I’m gonna help as much as I can,” he warned. You nodded in understanding, content to let him help you.
       Your breath hitched in your throat when hepressed a kiss to your folds. You’d never thought of that. Your head fell back against the pillows when he replaced his lips with his tongue, licking along your slit. Your legs spread further and your hands gripped the pillow as he repeated the action, swirling his tongue around your clit, his hands holding your thighs. Using his fingers to hold your lips open, he wrapped his mouth around your clit and sucked, earning a strained moan from you. Sparks exploded inside your body as you squeezed your eyes shut, focusing on his tongue and the wonderful sensations it caused.
       When his tongue slid into your entrance, a moan fell from your throat. You had no idea his tongue was so talented. He pumped his tongue in and out of you, earning moans and gaps, his hands holding your hips as they bucked against his face.
      His tongue returned to your clit and sucked, one hand moving down to your folds. His fingers danced across your heat before he plunged one in, giving you a moment to adjust.
       When your gasp faded into a moan, he began pumping, building a rhythm for you to get used to. His tongue paid homage to your clit, making sure the pleasure evened out and eventually outweighed the pain.
       The knot in your belly was burning more and more as his fingers and tongue moved in sync to bring you over the edge. With a soft cry, the knot unraveled, your hips bucking against his hand as he rode out your orgasm.
       He traveled back up your body, his hips settling in between yours, his arms resting on either side of your head. He leaned down to sweetly kiss your lips and you found yourself turned on by the taste of your juices on his tongue.
       “Are you ready?” he murmured against your lips. At your nod, he pushed off his boxers and lined his manhood up with your entrance. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he slowly pushed into you, stretching you more than you expected. You gasped loudly, both in pain and pleasure, and he gave you a moment to adjust. He kissed your neck, waiting as long as you needed him to.
        “I’m okay,” you assured him, your hands on his shoulders. He nodded and slowly pulled out before pressing back in. Your eyes fell closed and your fingers dug into his shoulders as you adjusted to the rhythm,
      “Faster,” you requested, and he happily obliged. He slammed his hips into yours, burying his face in your neck. Your gasps of pain quickly faded into moans of pleasure as your body adjusted to his size. Your legs around his waist offered him the perfect angle, and with every thrust, he hit that spot inside you that built a knot in your belly.
      He couldn’t describe all the love and passion he felt as he slammed into you, hearing moans of pleasure spilling from your lips. Every so often, you moaned his name, and his heart leapt. He was overjoyed that you trusted him enough to let him take your virginity.
       His thrusts quickened as he pressed a kiss to your lips. You responded immediately, moaning when his teeth tugged at your lower lip. Your legs tightened around him and your fingers dug into the muscles in his shoulders as the knot inside you pulled tighter and tighter.
        One more perfectly angled thrust and you came undone. Sparks flew and your orgasm overwhelmed you. Ajey’s name fell from your mouth like a prayer as he continued trusting, building his own orgasm and helping you ride out yours.
       Gripping your hips, he slammed into you, moaning as his release claimed him. He lied there with his face in your neck and your head on his shoulder, clutching each other as you came down from your highs.
       He pulled out of you and collapsed beside you, opening his arms. You curled into his chest, wrapping an arm around his waist. He wrapped an arm around your head so he could card his fingers through your hair.
       “That was amazing,” you breathed, nuzzling your face into his neck.
       He smiled. “Yeah, it was.” He was quiet for a minute before he added, “I love you, (y/n).”
       “I love you too, Ajey.”

A/n - 20 chapter hogaye badhai ho !!!!!!

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