exhausted (nishchay)

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You collapsed onto Nischay 's bed with an exhausted sigh on your lips. You barely had the energy to change from your day clothes into a comfortable pair of pajama shorts and one of nischay’s shirts. He opted for flannel pajama pants and no top as he crawled into bed beside you, drawing the comforter over the both of you.

       His strong arms wrapped around you as you snuggled into his chest, burrowing your face into his neck and securing your arms around his waist. He had one arm around your shoulders while the other rested comfortably on your hip.

       You let one hand travel down his chest, drawing lazy patterns on his bare skin. He hummed softly in response, closing his eyes and focusing his mind on your fingers, trying to decipher the message. You traced “love” and then “you,” looking up at him with a smile.

       You knew all about nischay’s sensitivity with love  because you yourself were scared of it . You were scared about having a broken heart , not being a good girlfriend and many more . But the day you met nischay you felt like you actually met your other half , whenever he looked at you his eyes had so much adoration.no doubt he mad you blush each time he looked at you .

       “it feels nice to have a day off after a whole day of shoot ,” he commented, hugging you closer.

       “Mmm, no work,” you replied, referring to his shoot and your job.

       “No animals,” he countered, referring to your vet office.

       “No creeps  .” you chuckled lightly at his statement

       “No camera.”

       “No watching weird videos on internet.”

       He let out a chuckle at your final argument and nodded. “No anything .”

       Holding your chin gently in his hand, he tilted your head up. Your eyes fluttered closed as his lips ghosted over yours, taking their time to apply pressure and turn it into a real kiss. You hummed softly into his mouth, reaching a hand up to card through his short black locks, pulling his face closer to yours.

       He shifted the arm that you were using as a pillow so that he could hover above you, his lips lazily attached to yours. Your mouths parted and joined together repeatedly as his hand dragged down your side, sliding under your shirt when it made its way back up.

       It had been so long since the two of you just had time to yourselves. You didn’t realize how much you missed it. Sex was always fast and rough, which you enjoyed, but it was nice to slow down and just focus on each other’s touch.

       Nischay’s lazy kisses trailed down your jaw and neck, pausing to lick or bite at the skin there, keeping that same slow pace. Tilting your head back,a groan of appreciation left your lips and you ran a hand down his chest, lightly dragging your nails. His torso shivered under your touch and you grinned to yourself.

       He removed his arm from beneath your head, rolling on top of you. His hands slid under your shirt, pushing it up to your chest, kissing every bit of skin he exposed. You raised your arms above your head as he pulled the fabric off, tossing it somewhere in the room.

       A groan sounded in his throat when he realized you hadn’t worn a bra to bed, leaving your plump breasts exposed completely. His lips found yours again, pressing harder than he had before as his large hands cupped your breasts perfectly. You hummed into his mouth as he squeezed and kneaded, knowing every move to make to drive you wild.

       His kisses trailed down your neck once more, continuing down your chest. He let go of one breast so he could wrap his lips around it, sucking on your nipple and dragging his tongue across it. You moaned at the sensation, arching your back to press your chest closer to his mouth.

       He continued down your torso, licking and sucking your skin. His hands slid down to the waistband of your shorts, hooking his fingers in and pulling the fabric down. You wiggled your hips to help him remove your shorts and panties, sighing softly at the breeze that blew between your legs.

       He gently pushed your legs apart with his hands, running his fingers across your skin. You shivered under his touch. Starting at your knee, he kissed his way up the inside of your leg, glancing up at your closed eyes before pressing a kiss to your lower lips. You bit your lip as he parted your folds with his tongue, dragging it from your entrance to the top of your clit.

       Your hips wiggled, desperate for friction, as he ravished you with his tongue. He drew lazy circles around your clit, darting his tongue in and out of your entrance. His hands held your hips still as you tried to buck against his face. He gently sucked on your clit, earning a loud moan from you. His fingers gently held your lips apart, giving his tongue more ground to cover. He would thrust his tongue inside a few times, then drag it up and around your clit before sucking it into his mouth. He moaned into your heat, sending vibrations through your core. You moaned loudly in turn, trying to buck your hips, but your movement was restricted between his mouth and hands.

       When you neared your peak, he pulled away, earning a whimper from your lips. He kissed his way back up your torso, kicking off his pajama pants as he did so. When he returned to being on top of you, you could feel his arousal poking your sensitive heat.


You ran your hands down his chest, trying to entice him as he had enticed you. With your hands at his hips, just above his manhood, you dragged your nails across his skin. He groaned and shivered in response, grabbing both of your hands in one of his and holding them above your head.

       He grabbed your thigh with his free hand and hooked it over his hip. You gladly followed with the other leg. He nestled perfectly between your legs, and you whimpered when his erection rubbed against your soaking heat.

       “Nischay,” you gasped, throwing your head back as he teased you, rubbing himself against you but not enough to push inside.

       “Patience, love,” he chuckled, leaning down to kiss your lips. You kissed back passionately, trying to convey your need.

       His resistance finally broke and he shoved inside you. You moaned in unison as he filled you. He began thrusting, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back in. It was still slow and sensual, but he added more passion with every thrust.

       You moaned with every movement, unable to hold back and having no reason to. His free hand held your hip, allowing him to hit that perfect angle inside of you. You tightened your legs around his waist whenever he hit your spot, and he made a note to thrust that way again.

       “You’re beautiful,” he commented as you were reduced to a moaning mess beneath him. You moaned again as he picked up his pace, signaling that he was close. His hand slid from your hip to your heat, rubbing his fingers over your clit to help you to your climax. You gasped his name and rocked your hips against him as the friction increased. The combined pleasure of his arousal inside of you and his fingers on your clit threw you over the edge. Loud moans fell from your lips as he helped you through your orgasm, thrusting steadily as you came down from your high. He released your hands, allowing you to run them all over his body. You dragged your nails down his back, circling around his hips and thighs. He moaned your name as your touch pushed him to his peak, his hips sputtering as he lost rhythm. His release flowed through you and you sighed softly, holding his hips.

       He eventually pulled out of you and moved to lie beside you, holding you to his chest. You kissed him softly as you wrapped your arms around him. He secured his arms around you, letting you use one of them as a pillow. Burying your face in his chest, you soon fell asleep, satisfied and content.

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