Dirty dream (nischay)

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"That was nice..", y/n said as they strolled down the streets on the way home after their first date. "Yup, really nice." Nischay said Looking at her sideways, grinned; her cheeks blushing as she smiled and glanced away, swaying her arms by her side as she inhaled deeply. "Y'know...", she started, suddenly walking faster and twirling around on the spot so she walked backwards, facing him. "I love spring."

"You do?", he asked, starting to move his feet faster to try and get a bit closer to her, adjusting the collar of his denim jacket. "Mhm.", she grinned, now turning around again and walking even faster. "I love the smell of the flowers.", she sang. "And the warmth during the day and coolness at night. Not to forget all the spring fashion!" Giggling, she looked back at nischay over her shoulders; her brown eyes sparkling, before one eyelid fell into a wink.

Her cackling got even louder as she suddenly started running, her small frame getting farther and farther away from nischay. "Hey!", he called out, shaking his head; amused at her childishness, but simultaneously, endlessly fascinated by her. The beautiful colour of brown of her hair flattered behind her, along with the flowy fabric of her floral dress, as she moved; eventually looking back at nischay over her shoulder. "Catch me if you can!", she laughed.

Rolling his eyes, he fastened his pace; no sooner than expected reaching her. Grabbing her by her waist from behind, he lifted her off the floor; her feet kicking the air as her laugh echoed through the night. "Gotcha.", Nischay whispered in her ear, her hair tickling his face as her scent flowed up his nostrils; the smell of strawberry making his senses go wild.

Placing her down onto the floor, she stood before him. Her cardigan had slipped off one shoulder, she was out of breath, her hair was dishevelled; yet she still looked more gorgeous than any girl he had ever seen before.

Nischay still couldn't quite believe how a girl like that would go on a date with someone like him. Especially, because his attempt at asking her out hadn't gone over as smooth as he'd once planned it to.

Y/n was his little sister's ( a/n - pretend 😅) ballet teacher; she was helping out with the junior classes before she went off to Uni in the fall. And even though he had cursed everything and everyone because he had to accompany his sister to her first ever ballet lesson a month ago, he now thought it was the best thing he'd ever been forced to do.
Nischay still remembered the second he spotted her in her leggings and top; one leg above her head as she stood in front of the many mirrors. He remembered gulping as he felt himself choking, his eyes almost bawling out of his head as he thought it was a dream; only the tug of his little sister's hand on nischay's jacket had warped him back to reality. And the thing he remembered most, was her bright smile and the electric buzz that had shot through his body as she shook his hand; her melodic voice making his eardrums flutter.

Smiling down at her, he brushed a stray of hair out of her face; the heat rising to her cheeks as she giggled and glanced away. Once the brown of y/n's eyes met his, nischay gulped; now was one of those moments. One of those moments he had to make a move; to kiss her. He could feel his heart hammering inside his chest as y/n slowly tilted her chin up towards him.

He already felt her breath hit his face, when he whispered, "I should take you home now, it's getting late." She closed her eyes for a second, before smiling at him, "Right."
"Otherwise your dad'll kill me." Chuckling, she nodded once again, before they continued walking down the streets of the little town towards her house.
The one thing, nischay did brave myself up to do, however, was hold her hand until they reached the familiar bright blue house.

"So..", he sighed as they stood by her front door. "So..", she repeated, smiling. "I'll.. I'll call you, okay?" Rubbing his hand on the back of my neck, he smiled awkwardly; nervously. "Okay." Standing up on her tiptoes, she placed a soft peck on his cheeks, giving him a light squeeze, before disappearing into her house.

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