The night we started by the fire (ajey)

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Author 's pov

Y/n sucked in as he slammed her against the wall, adrenaline coursing through her veins and heart beating fast. She quickly wiped the sweat from her upper lip and balled her hands into fists, taking another swing at him and flinging forward as he dodged the left hook and pinned her arms behind her back. "Nnngh —" She struggled to break free, trying to hook her leg around his and bring him down, to the mats, but he was too quick and she was too hesitant.

"Stop thinking about it," Ajey said to her for the umpteenth time. "Follow your instincts."

Her lips twisted in equal parts anger and discomfort. "What you think insulting  me infront on tanya would make me happy ?! you tried and succeeded in making me angry"

"Hey. You're the one who challenged me, remember? I'm not going to go easy on you because you're a girl," he said, quickly releasing her; a look of disapproval on his face as the brunette lost her balance.

"I'm not talking about that," y/n said through gritted teeth, taking a moment to correct her stance. She glared daggers at him. "I'm talking about what you said to sam."

Ajey smirked. "For one," he said, weaving away from her next move and using the velocity to deliver a counter-punch to her chin. "Sam agreed with me. You're not ready. For another —" The witch quickly threw another punch at him, this one grazing his nose as he swayed back. "It's going to take a lot more than our nightly training sessions to prepare you for what the enemy has in store."

"That's —" Her heart jumped as ajey delivered a straight jab. " — only if the enemy manages to disarm me, and — " She blocked his next hit, forcing him backwards as her fist made contact with his cheekbone. " — we both know I'm the best dueller in the training programme."

He shook it off and looked to the witch, eyes narrow and a smirk on his lips. "Second to me on your best day."

She ignored the smug look on his face and broke the rules a little, delivering a fast punch straight to his gut, surprised that he didn't see it coming, and then falling to the mat as he swiped her legs with his. "Oof!" She knocked her head rather hard, seeing stars in a matter of seconds. Dizzy and hot, she forcibly opened her eyes to find ajey on top, looking more smug than usual, before a burst of adrenaline surged through his opponent.

"Holy sh —" His words cut off as y/n twisted her legs around his and straddled him on the mat, an award-winning smirk on her lips. The poor boy tried to break free but he couldn't. She had him down.

Victorious at last, y/n  breathed in and out, chest rising and falling at a rapid rate and sweat trailing down her neck, seeping into her sports bra. Suffice to say, the savage one was stronger than he looked, but then again, so was she.

She exhaled deeply and smiled. "I . . . I win."

Surprisingly enough, Ajey, who usually didn't break a sweat during their one-on-one training sessions, was breathing just as hard. In fact, she had it on good authority that the only reason he even agreed to train her in the first place, had to do with the fact that he could kick her arse for at least twenty minutes every night and do so with a clear conscience.

What was he playing at, all tongue-tied and winded?

"I know I didn't give you that great of an arse kicking," y/n inserted, trying to play off the awkward tension as a joke.

Ajey didn't say anything.

Instead, his eyes panned down her body, in a rather daunting way. She opened her mouth to ask him what the bloody hell he was staring at but the words didn't come out. The look in his eyes forced those words down her throat and caused her skin to prickle with heat. It was reserved but curious in a hushed sort of way.

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