up against the wall (Ajey)

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Y/n's pursed lips twitched. She could not dispute his deep knowledge. She moved on swiftly.

"How do you address creators in India without causing offence?"

"All creator in India  have a given name used by family, friends and acquaintances, and a creating name. You must never address the creator  male or female   by their creator  name unless involved directly in a video dialogue."

Again he was right. She tried a question of ethics.

"If you were confronted by a local government agent abroad stating that a dark creator  was "body shaming" local creator with the added implication that you as a representative of the creator community  was aiding said creator , what would you do?"

He answered immediately, articulately and calmly. "I would remain as impartial as I could, giving no emotive information away and contacting our own Minister for Mangement and government  immediately while still complying reasonably with the demands of the authorities. I would investigate and withdraw the creator  in question to a secure location, informing the local authorities that he was under arrest pending investigation and that we would cooperate with all their enquiries and extradite him if necessary."

Her eyes flickered. She couldn't fault him.

Y/n continued, asking him the most testing and trying questions she could think of. He answered each one perfectly, giving answers she would have given herself with eloquence, insight and clarity. He impressed her; she could not deny it. After she had exhausted her queries and tests she stood, clearing her throat.

"Right. Thank you, Mr nagar. That will be all."

"When do I hear?"

"When I see fit to tell you." She fixed him with a stare and crossed her arms.

"Come on, y/b , you can drop the "i have traumas and you are making it so I'll act like a bitch " act for a few minutes."

"Why should I? You never drop the "i have anger issues" act."

"Yes, I bloody do!"

She stood, marching to the door and opening it for him. He followed her over, stopping so close in she could smell his cologne and fresh clothes. "I need to know soon. Don't keep me waiting."

Y/n glared defiantly, relishing her power over him. He stared down, those grey eyes flashing again. Her own sparked back, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Ajey exhaled a smirk out. "Still the tight arsed little bitch, aren't we?"

His insult stung. She worked her jaw, her muscles tight with ferocity. "Get out, Ajey. You're lucky I tolerated your presence at all."

"If I don't get this job, I'll know exactly why. I don't think the Management  will take too kindly to accusations of discrimination amongst his management, do you?"

She slammed the door shut again, enclosing the two of them back in the room and stepped in. Her anger was racing through her and she pointed her forefinger indignantly at him. "You know nothing about what is going on in my head, Ajey. And I have never known such astounding arrogance! How do you know you deserve it over anyone else? You have no idea what the other candidates were like."

"Yes, I do. I was forced to chat to them all morning. Not that much chatting went on; they had the combined personality of an anaemic slug. You don't seriously think any of them could even begin to do this job, do you?"

"At least they wouldn't be influenced by the first angry ass celebrity  who came along offering glory."

"Oh, please. I suppose all the other candidates were self-righteous little goody two shoes, weren't they?"

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