eyeless jack x sick! reader

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You'd lay there sick, in the woods. You got sick during a game of hide and seek with the proxies, and they never found you cause you went to far back into the woods. It started getting cold, and you shivered in the cold. You heard footsteps and figured it was another helpless animal you've heard many times before. You gave up 12 minitues ago or else you would've gotten more lost.

Suddenly you heard a voice call out your name. "y/n!" You looked over and seen EJ, he was your boyfriend and sure you loved him but he never really showed much affection but right now.. It seemed he could give a damn about his feelings showing to you. He seemed quite concerned and scared, truly worried abt you.

He came and hugged you close, and you soon hugged back. He felt warm, which that's how cold you could tell you were since his skin was usually always cold. You'd cling onto him, coughing harshly. He'd feel your forehead and took his hoodie off, putting it on you. "Come on sick one, let's get you back. I'll take care of you" he said smiling at you, his mask halfway off. He'd pick you up on his back, and carried you all the way back as running. You'd cough here and there, and suddenly he opened the door rushing you to the emergency room.

Apparently you cut your leg from the bushes outside, and got a cold due to the weather. The coldness almost numbed you from feeling the cuts sting. EJ smiled as you awoke up in a room, with a cloth on your head in a blanket. You smiled at EJ as he caressed your cheek rubbing his thumb on it slightly. "Did you get good rest? " he asked as you nodded. BHE smiled relieved and pushed the cloth over your eyes getting close kissing your soft lips. He then stopped as you got red, and didn't uncover your eyes. You just heard EJ chuckle at you. He'd uncover your eyes and smirked "I'll be your doctor aye? " he said as poking you. You'd make a pouting face and laughed, he then got up "get some more rest love. " he said as winking while walking away. You just laid there blushing, and smiled shyly.

((Done EJ! If you have any suggestions let me know! Id be happy to do them personally. Love ya!

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