Jason The toymaker x Reader! NB

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You'd sit in a chair, waiting for Jason at his room admiring all the dolls. You didnt wanna touch any due to not wanting to create a mess with your clumsiness.

You would hear the door open, and looked over almost startled by being disturbed from your own world but was relived when Jason walked in. "Well hello darling, fancy seeing you here?" He'd say in a questionable tone. You'd nod and chuckled nervously "hey Jason, I was wondering if you'd like to hangout again since you were busy earlier." You say as scratching the back of your head nervous for the answer. He'd then nod "of course dear, I don't mind. I was working on something for you." He's say as going over to a drawer and pulling out a doll that looked just like you but tiny. "See? Your now a dollie dear. Do you like it?" He'd say smiling, you'd nod blushing slightly. "Ah yes ofc I do. I love it Jason." You'd say as looking him into the eyes, his smile softened. "Your everything I love, that's why you're my doll. My everything Y/N." He'd say as getting closer to you, wrapping his hands around your waist. (No matter how tall you are) you'd hug back, and he whispered into your ear lovingly "my doll.." He's say as snuggling into the crook of your neck. You'd blush more and he noticed, chuckling at you and patting you. "Don't worry, I won't let anymore hurt you darling. No worries" he'd say winking at you.

After awhile of hanging out, you fell asleep as he was making a doll and finished. He picked you up bridal style, and kissed your cheek smiling sweetly at your sleeping in slumber. Hed bring you to a spare bed, and laid you down. You'd grab his sleeve just as he was about to leave and, he looked at you questioningly. "Yes dear?" Hed ask as you look at him pleasingly making his heart skip a beat. "Stay with me.." You'd mumble, and Jason blushed and nodded at you. "Of course, anything for you doll." He'd say as sitting at the side of the bed holding your hand. He'd smile at you watching you sleep/fall back asleep. He'd love the way you looked.

(Sorry if it was shorter! And request by : Azumi_ARMY So sorry if I kinda messed up Jason's persona how he actually acts. I tried -)mention a usermention a user

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