Laughing jack x Chubby! reader

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You'd be eating candy and all sorts like cotton candy, chocolates, and funnel cake. You'd walk around riding rides, having yet so much fun being scared and yet.. So lonely.

Yes it was only you who was with you, yourself. You had not many friends due to people not liking how loud, messy, and big you were to them. You'd hear kids crying, and yelling, throwing tantrums and everything that made you a little ticked off. Children could get on your nerves unintentionally, so you tried to stay away knowing that it might get the best of you on wanting to slap those kid's mouths shut.

As you walked into an black and white tent, you noticed a clown. He seemed as crying?.. No. Laughing. Almost like a maniac you were, you felt had on how he was so alone almost like you. You tapped him on the shoulder and his head shot right at you, looking quite startled. "You can.. See me? " he'd say as being confused on why you, a literal teen, seeing him. He wasn't imaginary ofc but he still wasn't showed to adults unless he ment to scare them when their children are dead.

You'd nod, handing him some popcorn, and he looked at you hesitantly taking it and eating it trying not to show his sharp teeth that could scare you off. He'd smile slightly, and noticed how you weren't a twig, nor in the middle. Just the way he liked his men/women/people. He'd seem to be staring and you caught on it and blushed embarrassed seeing as your self consciousness got the best of you. He'd grab your hands leaving you surprised as he smirked almost seeming to drool. "You're beautiful.. " he'd say as kissing your hands, lovingly. He'd get up as he was about 8'ft and taller than you he bowed to your height. "I'm laughing jack, my Rotlyality. " he'd say grinning as your face turned red at the nickname, you'd smile nervously nodding as stuttering up "I'm (your name), it-s a pleasure to meet y-you laughing jack.. " you'd say quietly yet so politely, he'd blush and seemed quite amaused at you saying his name. "Let's take a walk shall we? " he offered a hand and his arm for you, and you took it nodding.

You guys walked around the fair until it ended, as he made jokes and flirted with you the whole time getting to know each other.. At the end of the day you guys still talk now and then you still not knowing he murders children, and eats them. But you enjoyed his company and candy, until one day you'll find out and never get away....

{Congrats! You survived for now (ur name). }

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