Homocidal Liu x NB!Reader

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(I wasn't sure on how to do this so don't kill me please! X3)

Reader POV:
I was watching a movie with liu, it was a horror movie of course since sully didn't like anything else I picked. Horror was okay, I was just already paranoid today.. So it didn't help that much.
"Y/N.. Are you okay?" Liu asked noticing me space out instead of being focused on the movie. Apparently, I was shaking slightly as well.
"I'm fine, just a little.. Paranoid is all." I'd reply being honest, my paranoia was a little ridiculous.

Suddenly, I was moved onto Liu's lap. I'd look at liu, as wide eyed slightly getting flustered. He'd whisper in my ear, close to where I felt his hot breath on my neck. "Don't be scared, I'll be here for you love.." He'd smile, so innocently as looking me in the eyes.
"T-thanks liu.." I'd stutter out, as feeling the heat on my face getting noticeable. I'd sit lip a proper person, hands in my lap and legs crossed. Liu then cupped his hands over mine, causing shivers down my spine.
(Kinda sexual ig?)
I'd hear him, the demonicly low voice of sully. "This is another reason, I love horror movies darling.." He'd chuckle as I blushed more being a red tomato. Damn you sully, you asshole..
Sully then started kissing on my neck up and down, lovingly not to show brusies yet.. Sully was being gentle, and careful with every kiss and bite leaving such love marks on my neck and shoulder.
I'd make small whimpers, as feeling such pleasure on my frame.
(No more kissy on neck.)
"Shh.. I'll protect you as well, honeybun." He'd chuckle as winking, causing me more butterflies.
He'd then crash his lips on mine, and I soon knew it was liu back in control due to the such passionate kiss instead of the usual rough ones by Sully. We parted, as we looked into each others eyes. Liu slightly blushed, as smiling. "Sorry Y/N, but I joined in with Sully on that one cutie." He'd giggle as my face heated again, utterly shocked now knowing why it was so gentle.

No ones POV:
Y/N and liu, soon fell asleep together on the couch. They'd be cuddling together, as Y/N had their legs wrapped around liu's waist and liu still being sat up. They'd snore together, until the next morning where it was hot as BALLS outside.

(DONEE<3 request by buggaaboo! Hopefully I didn't mess up the character at all. I'm not that great at it, but please do enjoy! Sorry for the shortness!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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