Ticci Toby x Chubby! reader

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[I don't see a lot if these but hey! Its still good.. So I'm deciding to give this a go! Kinda a lime?? Next up is liu/skully××]

3rd person POV:

You'd open your eyes, feeling a little sore as blinking. You would sit up slowly, attempting to stand slightly as falling back down onto the bed with a thump.
"Ouch.." You'd whisper, looking around realizing you weren't in your room.

You'd tend to look around, and observe seeing a bunch of tools. Seemed as a spare bedroom.. Were we still in the mansion?

Suddenly you'd hear the door unlock, and open slowly. You could hear ticking & cracking sounds, knowing who just came in..

"Y/N! He-y, you're a-awake lov-ve." He'd say sweetly towards you as you smiled softly and did the gimme gimme hand moments towards Toby as he came closer to you.

He'd come over to you, by the bed as slightly picking you up on his lap. He'd straddled you and twirled your hair.
He'd smile as he twitched, trying to control himself from accidentally hurting you. "You're so pretty, (nickname)" he'd say as admiring your curves & slight weight on you.

You'd snuggle into his chest, as smiling small thinking of this moment. You loved Toby dearly, like.. He loved everything abt you & accepted your body. You were so happy to know someone you loved loved back..

He'd suddenly start hugging you tighter unintentionally, as he smirked.. He felt so weird when he'd see your exposed body. Maybe it wasn't fully, but just a big T-shirt and some long socks. He'd love the way you looked, and honestly wasn't as bad as it seemed.. Yeah he might be crazy, but he was really great to be honest. Unexpected to most probably..

He'd continue on loving you, squeezing your little weight. He'd be kinda like some child.. A clingy one at that, due to being so chaotic. Toby was your favorite, and turned into your boyfriend so after that.. Its been amazing ever since. You couldn't ask for anything more <3.

"I love-e you.. So much lo-ovebug."
He'd say in a whisper as he twitched slightly, as you replied quietly smiling.
"I love ya too, darling.." He'd kiss your for head softly, feeling at comfort.
3rd POV:
You guys soon fell asleep on the bed together, cuddling closely. Your leg was over Toby's body, and your other was in between his legs. He'd be holding you with both arms around the waist, snuggling into your neck.

(428 words of the story)

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