Chapter 1

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(Y/n) was in her room, playing the ukulele. It's been 10 years since the separation of the Madrigals and Valenzuelas.

She never really understood why, but through her Abuelito's words, the Madrigals are very selfish beings who sees eveyone as their inferior since they're the unique one.

(Y/n) believed her Abuelo, for a certian amount of time until lately, that she started to see the Madrigals as the pilars of Encanto, the town they are in.

The Madrigals help the community with their given gifts. Sometimes, (Y/n) thought about being a Madrigal. What would her gift be? Would she attain some sort of freedom?

But, what she got from them instead was a burn on her right hand. Her Abuela had said that the Madrigals burned her hand.

(Y/n) turning a blind eye to her grandparents, didn't believe them and never did. She quietly played a tune she made for the past couple of weeks.

Her dream? To be a dancer or a music composer. Music has always been in her mind ever since hearing her mother sing her a tune.

"(Y/n/n)! Come down now it's lunch!" Her papá called as she picked on the sound. "Coming papá!" She exclaimed as she set her instrument aside and went down.

She scurried downstairs to eat a delicious meal. Oh and did I mention? It's her birthday today. "Happy Birthday (Y/n)!" The whole family cheered which surrpised the standing (Y/n).

"We know you don't really celebrate your birthday but, this time we wanted to break the tradition" Smiled her tía Alexandra as (Y/n) was flustered and speechless.

"Thank you so much" Her heart melted upon the surprise. Never ever had she known that someday she'll be celebrating her birthday.

"Don't worry hija, it was fun planning for it" Her mom had stated placing a strand of hair behind (Y/n)'s ears. "Now let's eat! I'm hungry" Sergio, her tía Alexandra's child had exclaimed as the others laughed.

They all had their portions and were having a lot of fun. They sang they danced, it's like a whole lively party was held in the Valenzuela's home.

However, it is time for opening presents. "Okay so, Here's mines.. You'll love it" Her tío Andres had given a small box wrapped in wrapping paper.

(Y/n) carefully opened the present and she was presented with a brown box. As she opened the kid, she noticed a design.

As she picked it up, a leather strap was presented colored with (F/c), her favorite color. "I heard you needed a belt and so I bought one for you" (Y/n) smiled as she inspected the belt.

"I love it, thank you so much tío André!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she happily placed the belt back to the box, closed the lid and set it aside.

"Next, is from our family Mija" Her tía Alexandra had given (Y/n) a smaller box compared to Andres'

"We know it's not much, but it'll be useful for you soon" Tío Felipe, Alexandra's husband had stated as (Y/n) opened the box.

What revealed inside was a capo and a set of pics that are useful to any guitarists. "Oh my gosh and they are different colored too" (Y/n) inspected each one.

"Customized, just for your liking" Alexandra added as (Y/n) placed the said things in the box. "Thank you tía and tío" She smiled brightly.

"Okay you innocent little being this is mines to you" Maria, her older sister had thrown her a rectangular shaped box. It wasn't long until the contents of the box was revealed.

"A knife? Really?" Their tío Andres stared, completely disappointed in Maria as the parents simply laughed. "It's what she wanted" Maria simply said.

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