Chapter 6 - A Late Night Talk

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​​Actually, I take it back, my mental health is failing me right now cause everyone I know is using me as a therapist, and the guy I like just started dating my best friend so Probably going to start using this story as an escape, or I'll lose all my motivation. we'll see hopefully it's not the second reaction anyways story time...

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Y/N's pov

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While I was waiting for Camilo, Hugo came to see where we all were. "Daniel is playing with Antonio go and get him I'm gonna wait for Camilo," I say. 

Hugo nods and walks up to Antonio's room he comes out a few minutes late Holding Daniel in his arms. 

"Hey did you guys eat?" I asked Daniel shook his head no. I get up from my spot on the floor. " Come on," I say walking into the Kitchen Hugo right behind me 

"Julieta are you still in here?" I ask I see her in the kitchen cooking food. "Hola Mija what are you still doing here?" she askes turning around wiping her hands on her apron. 

"Um, I was wondering if we could have some food for my Familia," I ask pointing to my two brothers behind me. "Oh of course," Sh says already getting a basket and filling it with food. When it's full she hands it to me. I turn and hand it to Hugo then turn back to Julieta 

"Gracias," I say giving her a hug. "With my Mamá and all it's been hard for me and Hugo having to constantly take care of our siblings," I say Julieta, nods 

"Well if things ever get too hard you are more than welcome to come here and ask for help," She says. I smile, "Gracias," I say turning to Hugo "You go bring that to our siblings, I'll be home in an hour," I say "I love you, be safe to get the twins to bed," I say before running up the stairs. Almost running into Camilo. 

"Woah Y/N what are you still doing here?" He askes grabbing my arm to keep me from falling over. " Looking for you actually I wanted to make sure you were ok," I say "I know tonight was crazy" Camilo smiles, "Well thank you but I'm fine," He says. 

I can clearly see he isn't fine. "Camilo I have known this family since I was born, I know by now how to tell when you guys aren't fine, this is one of those times," I say "The world as you know is coming crashing down around you," I say as I pull him to his room, "I thought it would be nice for you to have a familiar face around, that isn't someone in the family," I say when we get to his door. Camilo smiles his eyes watering "Gracias" He says opening the door. we both walk into the room, Camilo sitting down on the small chair in the corner of the room. 

Me sitting on the floor in front of it. "So spill, how are you feeling about all this?" I ask. Camillo huffs. "Well, its definitely scary, I mean I want to help Mirabel but then there's my mamá and Isabella is a mess and I want to help but I just don't know how I mean it isn't as easy as entertaining a bunch of kids you know," He says "and I feel like if I tell anyone they'll feel a burden and there's already enough going on I don't want to bring my issues into it," Camilo says "Well what I think is that you have been going through way too much alone and you need to obviously get some things off your chest," I say. 

Camilo laughs "That's an understatement," He says "Well I have an hour before Hugo comes looking for me," I say putting a hand on his knee comfortingly. He smiles. "Well I just feel like I have to put on this mask of humor and make everyone laugh and make everyone happy and prove to them that I can handle it but unlike tiá Julieta or Mamá I don't have anyone to help me behind closed doors, no one to confide in and I just want to be somebody," He says " I mean we all do but I want to be somebody to someone else." He says 

"Ok so you want everyone else to stop worrying so much and you want to help them relieve stress and make them happy, but there's no one to help you," I say, and Camilo nods 

"I just one someone here with me, well not just anyone," Camilo says standing up and walking over to his bed. "You have someone you like," I say following him. 'This was definitely not the way I thought this conversation was going to go' I think sitting down next to Camilo on the bed. "Yea," Camilo says shyly. "Well, who is it?" I ask nudging my shoulder against his. 

"Do I know them?" I say when I notice Camilo is too nervous to tell me. Camilo nods "pretty damn well I would hope" He whispers under his breath. " Oh my god," I say and Camilo looks up at me confused. "Do you like Hugo!?" I ask. 

Camilo laughs "No you idiot not him," He says "Just his sister" I gasp "You like Casta that's creepy she's 10 years younger than you," I say Camilo shakes his head "No idiota tonta Hermosa idiota," He says before grabbing my face and kissing me. 

I'm surprised at first 'do I like him?' I question myself but I push that thought to the back of my head 'Yes oh god yes I do I have for a while I just didn't want to admit it' i think as I kiss back my hands making their way to Camilo's hair, his own resting on my waist. Suddenly the door bursts open. We pull away quickly and turn to see Dolores standing there. 

"I'm sorry to interrupt but Y/N you need to get home now, somethings happened to your Mamá," She says. I stand up and make my way to the door. before quickly turning to face Camilo "I'm sorry I have to go if something happened to my Mamá-" I start but stop when I say Camilo waving his hands " Go, Go" He says.

 I run down the stairs casita opening the doors for me and run down the path to my house. When I open the door I see my mamá lying on the floor, Azul sitting next to her Hugo almost crashes into me. "Y/N what are you doing?!" He says stepping back "Dolores told me something happened," I say pushing past Hugo and going to kneel next to Mamá. " what happened?" I ask taking her hand to check her pulse. 

"We don't know I had just finished getting the twins in the bath the kids and I had already eaten I told Mamá to wait that I would sit with her but she must have gotten up because when I came out here after putting the twins to sleep she was here, I was just about to go get you," Hugo says coming to stand behind me. "Oh god," I say "her pulse is getting so weak." 

I can feel the tears start to roll down my eyes. "Ok um, Hugo go put Azul to bed," I say standing up when Hugo and Azul are out of the room I try to pick up Mamá and take her to her bed a few minutes later and I'm still trying. Hugo walks out. "Let me help," He says. 

Together we manage to carry Mamá onto the bed couch. "Hugo you go and get Julieta, I'll stay here," I say as I sit down on the bright yellow chair next to the couch.

 Hugo doesn't say anything but I hear the door open and close. "Oh Mamá you can't leave us yet I still need you," I say tears streaming down my face as I try and stay quiet as to not wake the kids.

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