Chapter 10 - The calm before the storm

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Y/N's pov

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Things were absolutely amazing, Camilo and I went to the festival together, We danced till our legs hurt smiling and laughing and when the festival was over we ran to a field somewhere far off, and there we kissed under the stars and it was the best thing I had ever experienced, soft and full of a lovely passion that I recognize so often from Camilo. It was perfectly magical, like something out of a fairytale. We started dating that night. It's been a month since then, and surprisingly despite what Mateo and Julia said. We all go up to the actual village quite often. Every chance he gets Camilo is pulling me off somewhere, most times he just lays on the ground tracing the lines on my palms as I talk. He would make small comments or we would have a conversation but for the most part, he would just listen to me. Camilo seemed to be more confident in who he was. There would be small moments where I had to sit and talk him through a hard moment or help him heal from something that he went through while I was gone. But since Casita was rebuilt he's gotten better. Hugo's gotten closer with that girl he was talking to as well, Her name is Elena. Azul is still their usual introverted self the kid they were talking to is around a lot his name is Carlos. Casta and Daniel are pretty much the same. Everything is happy. "Y/N" I hear Hugo call me from downstairs, shaking me out of my thoughts. "I'm going up to town, You wanna come?" He asks. "Yea un momento" I say. I grab a brush quickly running it through my hair, pick up my bag sling it over my shoulder and race down the stairs. "eager much?" Hugo says. I roll my eyes, "Like you aren't just as excited to go and see your girlfriend" I say. "She isn't my girlfriend," Hugo says as we walk out the door, the blush covering his face is not missed. "You wish she was though," I say hopping into the front of the cart. "Dios eres tan molesto" (God you're so annoying) Hugo said sitting next to me. When we get there I hop down from the cart. "What time do they want us home," I say. "They said before dinner so like an hour before then so we can be home to help," He says. I nod before Hugo turns and runs off probably to go and find his "not yet" girlfriend. 

I walk around the village looking for Camilo, after a few minutes I see him walking around rapidly shifting into different people, a group of children following behind him, giggling and laughing. The smile on his face never left no matter who he turned into. Camilo has told me so many times how much he loves playing with the kids like this. Seeing their smiles and hearing their laughs, in turn, fulls his own joy. He likes it even better when a kid will ask him to tell a story, they all sit down in a circle, sometimes he tells them my stories but he has no idea what those people look like so he stays as himself. The day after he tells one of those stories we lay in the field his head in my lap, and relays how the kid's excitement and laughter only grows, he doesn't need to change to feel useful with the kids, that's why he likes it so much. I lean against the wall of a building smiling softly as I watch from afar. When Camilo turns the train of children around his eyes meet mine and he smiles even wider, if possible, and stops the kids before leaning down saying something. The kids' nod and Camilo starts to walk over to me. "Enjoying the show, Mi Vida?" He askes. I laugh "Si it's entertaining to watch you from afar," I say. He smiles before grabbing my hand. "Ven aquí" (come here) he says pulling away from the wall. " The kids want to meet the author of the stories they love so much," He says. 

When the kids see me they start to jump up and down. "Did you really make all those stories?" one child asks "Can you tell us one?"  another yells out, all the questions are overlapping each other. I laugh, "guys she can't hear what you're saying if you all talk at once," Camilo says. "It's ok Mi Amor, there just excited," I say putting a hand on Camilo's shoulder. The kids gasp "Are you guys married?" One yells out. I blush then laugh awkwardly and start to say something "Unforutanly no" Camilo interrupts. "I think you guys should get married," a little girl says, the kids all nod in agreement. "I think we're a little too young for that," I say before Camilo gets any ideas. "Can you tell us a story?" A little boy asks obviously not interested in the topic of marriage. "Yea can you? Pleaseeeeee" Other little kids chime in. "Well, I don't know," I say jokingly, "Please" They beg again, clasping their little hands together and making puppy dog eyes. "Oh, I guess," I say, "Come and sit," I say walking over to a bench as all the little kids sit on the ground in front of me, Camilo tries to sit next to me on the bench. "Uh Uh Uh go and sit with the other kids," I say, Camilo, Pouts before stomping to the back of the small crowd of kids and flopping down dramatically, We all laugh before I start to tell a story. I ask the kids questions mostly letting them dictate how the story goes, It turned out absolute crazy, talking fruit, flying fish, a boy with the power to turn himself into a fork. 

Slowly, one by one parent come to pick up their kids until they are all gone and it's just me and Camilo. "Alone at last Mi Vida," he says shooting forward until he is sitting in front of me, "I missed you yesterday," I say, "Me too," Camilo says putting his hands in my lap, "Abuela made us do chores all day," He says, "She put me and Mirabel on Biblioteca (Libray) duty, which sucked cause the librarian is such a Cabrón," he says, I smile "But it was nice getting to spend time with Mira, I haven't been able to do that in a while" His face is full of familial love and adoration. "Good I'm glad," I say, "How was your day?" he asks, "without you completely boring, Julia had us working with the animals most of the day, But Mateo made bandeja pasia for us and it was deliciosa," I say. Camilo laughs "You should've brought me some" He pouts. "I'm sorry Mi Amor, I'll bring you some next time," I say. He smirks, "You know how you could make it up to me?" He says, grinning. " Probably but maybe you should tell me just to be sure," I say, "Give me a kiss," He says. I put a hand to my chin "Hmmmm" I hum acting like I was thinking about it. "No," I say before darting up off the bench and running away from Camilo. "Hey!" I hear Camilo yell out from behind me. I run to the field and turn to see where Camilo was only to be tackled to the ground, "You Idiota!" I shout out laughing. We both lay there, Camilo on top of me laughing and out of breath. "That's what you get for running away from me," He says in between deep breaths. he pulls himself off me and sits down next to where I lay on the ground. I sit up and turn to him, "Well" I say, But get stopped by Camilo grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him. I lean in as well closing my eyes. As our lips connect I wrap my arms around his neck. My hands traveled up to his hair.  After a few seconds, Camillo pulls away, smiling. "God you make me so happy, Mi Amor," He says and I can't help but smile and laugh. "I'm serious," He says. " I know you are Cariño," I say putting my hand on his cheek.  " You also make me so insanely happy. You have no idea" I say, pulling him into a hug. "What would I do without you?" I whisper. "Probably die," Camilo says. 

We both start laughing.  "Come with me," He says.  sitting up and running back towards the village. We spent the whole day running around the village, playing with the kids, helping with chores. The sun was starting to set when Hugo finally came and found me. "Y/N we gotta go home," He said when he found Camilo and me in an alleyway, hiding from the eager kids, sharing a collection of food between the two of us. I groan but smile. "If we must," I say pushing myself off the wall of the building and handing my food to Camilo. "I'll see you later ok?" I say giving Camilo a quick peck on the cheek and walking off with Hugo. 

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Also, can we talk about how 4.63K people have read this story? Like wtf. I started writing this because I was bored. And obsessed with Camilo. Like most of us here. Thank you so much. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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