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I had barely reached the campsite when the CEO's voice rose almost in a shriek. Her aggressiveness towards Gloria had ratcheted up a notch. Her words were more than I could handle as I was.

"You said we'd talk today. And now you want us to move again. What are you trying to do? Who made you God?"

I ignored her and the murmurs of the women, most still tousled from sleep, blankets around their shoulders in the early morning chill. I walked up to Gloria but made certain my voice was loud enough to carry.

"The river is the best bet. There are woods further upstream and that means game. And water from the river. Hopefully there should be some better shelter for the night too."

Gloria nodded at me and spoke quickly, her voice loud in the silence. "Can you wait a bit? Just to get everyone ready?"

I looked at her, trying to judge what game she was playing. What did she want me to say? I was neither oracle nor mindreader. I chose honesty instead. Maybe she did want me to play the bad guy.

"Just a bit though. I don't like all that milling around down there."

Gloria nodded once again but she never had the chance to speak as the CEO, Amanda, started shouting once again.

"And who made this clown leader? This isn't your personal playground and we are no puppets."

Gloria opened her mouth to answer but I was angry, irate and way too raw to listen through another shouting match. I kept my voice as even as I could but pitched it higher, high enough to carry to everyone. It was time to make our positions clear, or at least for me to make mine.

"Fuck her. Democracy ain't worth it. Get your stuff and let's go. This isn't a movie. It won't wait until the plot has progressed enough."

I could feel the cold stares from everyone. Even Gloria was looking at me with narrowed eyes. I almost laughed aloud but I managed to choke it before nothing more than a snort came out. If role-play was what they wanted, then they would get it. So be it.

I turned in a circle matching everyone's stare. I let all my arrogance shine forth and the bottomless pit my soul had become yesterday, was it just yesterday?, make its impression.

"You are all adults. Make your own fucking decision. Talking about it just wastes time."

I turned to face Amanda, the CEO, my hand going to my knife in clear threat.

"And you shut the fuck up. This isn't a fucking boardroom. You do what you want and let others do what they do. It ain't none of your business."

I did not speak any more nor did I plan to stay longer to see what happened. I stepped quickly, almost managing to escape when one of the others stepped in front of me, stopping me by her presence. I would have stepped around her, or through her if that was her intention, but she spoke instead and the courtesy instilled to me by loving parents came forth.

"If we stick together we have a better chance to survive. You know that, so why the act?"

I looked at her and at her girlfriend that she held close. It was a beautiful contrast, dark chocolate and pale ivory. I almost ignored her but her words propelled me to answer.

I changed my tone to the one I often used with students. The bright ones that simply needed an opening to pour their intelligence into. It was patronising in a way but I tried to be as sincere in my intentions with her as I was with my students. She would probably find it as irritating as they did. Still it had worked with some of them and most did realise afterwards what I was doing.

"There are a lot of people in the plain still. So many together and with no leadership, they will become a mob. Someone will realise that the more they can get, rations, blankets, equipment, the better chance they have. With weapons all around, it will become a bloodbath. People will run, panic. Yesterday everyone was in shock. It's wearing out now. People are realising this is for real. Everyone will be out there for themselves. I don't want to be around when it all goes to hell."

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