Chapter 8

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The next morning, Henley woke up and saw Rupert standing over her. He seemed angry, and was dripping wet.

“Well, i hope you're here to apologize.” Henley said.

Seconds later, Charlie woke up to the sound of Henley screaming. She saw the horse dragging her away by the foot.

“Hey! Put her down!” Charlie shouted.

She grabbed Henley’s wrists and pulled. Soon Henley was free, but Rupert had her boot in his mouth. He began charging towards Henley, but Charlie stood in the way.

“Hey! Easy boy. Just calm down, okay? Easy,” Charlie said.

Rupert decided to listen due to Charlie’s kind demeanour.

“Good! Now sit,” Charlie said. Rupert obeyed once again. “Now drop the boot.”

Rupert did as he was told, and Charlie smiled.

“Aww. You’re a good boy,” she said, before petting the horse.

“Are you tired from chasing that bad girl everywhere?” she asked, causing Rupert to nod while Henley gived wtf face. “Nobody appreciates you, huh?”

“Oh come on! He's a bad horse!” Henley exclaimed.

“He's nothing but a big sweetheart. Isn’t that right…” Charlie began, before noticing the name written on the horse’s saddle. “Rupert Price.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Henley muttered.

“So….Rupert. Today is a really big day. The biggest day of my life. So could you please try not to get Henley arrested?” Charlie asked. “Pretty please? Just for today, then you can chase each other all you want. Okay?”

Henley sighed and held out her hand, but Rupert looked away.

“It’s also my birthday. Y’know...just wanted to mention that,” Charlie added.

Rupert conceded and let Henley shake his hoof. Charlie smiled, then she began walking. As soon as her back was turned, Rupert punched Henley in the stomach. “FUCK!” she shouted.

Soon, the group was walking toward the kingdom. Charlie could barely contain her excitement, and Henley found her enthusiasm endearing. Henley noticed one of her wanted posters hanging up, so she tore it. When she did, Rupert gave her a look. The two of them started fighting again, but Ellie motioned for them to stop. Henley and Rupert sighed, then they simply shoved one another.

Charlie headed into the kingdom, and she was instantly in awe of everything around her. She started walking around to get a better look at everything, but her long hair was being stepped on and getting caught in things. Henley noticed a group of little girls braiding each other’s hair, so she got them to braid Charlie’s.

Soon, they’d finished braiding Charlie’s hair and placing flowers in it. Charlie twirled around happily.

“It’s amazing!” she exclaimed.

Henley smiled and blushed as she looked at her, making Rupert roll his eyes.

The group continued walking through the village. Henley had gotten Charlie a flag with the sun on it, Charlie made an incredible chalk drawing of the sun, they hid from guards and shared cupcakes, and they went to the library. Charlie spotted a mural of the royal family, and she gazed at the baby in the picture. There was something familiar about her, but she had no idea what.

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