Chapter 10

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Henley was still being led to her execution. She thought it was all hopeless, but then she saw a tiny unicorn figurine. Before she could question it, all of the doors slammed shut.

“What’s all this?” Hershell asked.

He knocked on a door. “Hello! Could you let us in? We have a young lady to hang.”

Hattie (Hat Girl) was on the other side, and she looked through the bars on the door.

“What’s the password?” she asked.

“What?” Hershell asked.

“Incorrect,” Hattie replied.

“Open Up!” Hershell shouted.

“Not even close,” said Hattie.

“I’ll give you three seconds! One…” Hershell began.

Since he wasn’t facing Henley and the guards, he didn’t see when Johnny was pulled through a hole in the ceiling.

“Two…..” he continued.

Dave was pulled through a door, and his helmet landed on the ground. The noise caused Hershell to turn around.

“Three?” he finished.

He was shocked to see Henley standing alone. Hershell stood there in confusion, and Reynaldo snuck up behind him and hit him with a frying pan, knocking him out.

“I fucking love this thing!” he smiled.

“Frying pans. Who knew, right?” Henley asked.

More guards came charging in. Reynaldo grabbed Henley’s hand and pulled her down a hallway. The guards chased after them, but they stopped when they saw Tintin standing in the middle of the hall. He acted like he was in an invisible box, then he looked off into the distance. The guards saw TRNK charging towards them. TRNK tackled the guards, and then he managed to overtake them.

Reynaldo and Henley ran onto the roof, where more guards were running. Sir Wilford IV pulled Henley over, and she stood on one end of a cart.

“Okay, head down,” he said.

“Head down,” Henley repeated.

“Arms in,” Wilford added.

“Arms in,” Henley stated.

“Knees apart,” Wilford finished.

“Knees apart,” Henley said, as she got into position.

“Wait, why the hell do I need to keep my knees-,” she began.

She was cut off when TRNK jumped on the other side of the cart, and sent Henley flying into the air. Henley braced for impact, but she landed on Rupert. The horse gave her a knowing smile.

“Rupert? You brought them here?” Henley asked.

Rupert nodded.

“Thank you, really. But seriously, let’s go save Charlotte.”

Rupert ran towards the castle wall, then he jumped off of it. He landed on the roof of a building, slid down, then he and Henley rode off into the forest.

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